here it is
I think I got it to work in IE6. Took some figuring out and some not too proper code. But honestly, I'm surprised it worked at all the way it was. Promise me you are gona look into what I'm about to say... here it goes:
The html structure is
NO presentational stuff goes between
<head></head> tags. This is the place for initialization, the things like <meta> tags,<title></title>, scripts and styles go here.
nothing that can be displayed on the screen goes into <head>, that stuff goes between the
<body> </body> tags. You
MUST close all the tags. You
CAN'T have
<div> without
</div>. If you opened the first tag, and then the second you
MUST close the second one before the first.
<div><span></span></div> and not
<div><span></div></span>. Tags like
<img src="aaa"/> and such,
MUST have
/ before the
>. You should find out about
code validation. Some tags, such us
<font> are considered obsolete. HTML tags should be used for structure. Things like size, color, position and much more should go into stylesheets. You should read up on all of this. I'm by no means an expert, so if I'm saying something wrong, somebody please correct me.
Keep on coding.