Several questions

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Please help me by answering any or all of them.

1. I thought x10 offerred Fantastico, yet, I cannot see it in my cPanel? I wanted to install Joomla.

2. Will I need Intermediate PHP access to install and use a CMS like Joomla?

3. Let's say there was a period of 2 weeks where I was unable to log in to the forums. Which there may well be as I am making a website on behalf of another person/organisation. Are the account suspensions done automatically or manually by an admin?

4. What's going on at the moment my admin area seems to not be working?


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My site is a Joomla 1.5 site. If you want to be able to send emails from joomla etc... It wouldn't hurt to upgrade to the intermediate PHP (I did). To install Joomla just add a database through cpanel, and ftp the joomla files to your host in the public_html folder on x10. Then goto your domain address and the rest of Joomla is installed through a "wizard" of sorts.

Sorry if you already know this, just trying to help.

I don't know about the suspension (except for it has happened to me) I assume it is auto but I'm not sure.

Since yesterday (at the least) I think x10 has been having issues. My site is doing some crazy things too.


For the past month upgrade work has been going on. This will be done before the end of the year.

x10 does offer Fantastico, it might be temporarily broken because of the upgrades.

You can purchase an addon from to disable the inactivity timer. I think it's a one off payment, but I'm not sure.


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Firstly the problem you are having with fantastico seems to be linked with the upgrades which are taking place at the moment. Quite a few features on Cpanel are not working properly but all should work again when the new updates come online. All i can say is try to be patient and post a ticket with support at:

Secondly some features on Jamoola does need intermediate php so i would probably recomend it if you are going to use alot of php. As Kermy said it wouldn't hurt to just upgrade it.

Account suspentions are done automatically as far as i know but you can post a unsuspention request to have it reversed. The unsuspentions are done manually by an admin but i have never had any trouble with getting unsuspended.

Lastly the answer to your question about your admin area not working has to do with the updates which x10 are currently doing. Alot of people have been having trouble at the moment. It should be fixed soon.

I hope i answered most of your questions. About the add-on services you have to purchase them for a once-off fee as far as i am aware but i don't know to much about it as i don't feel that i need it.
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