Its kinda a silly question, because if anyone is taking renewable energy seroiusly then they are going to invest in all sorts of different kinds of energy, to make sure that supply can be kept as steady as possible, because that is the things with both of these sources. They can just stop.
Both these types of renewable energy are very important because they are mature technologies, but there are other technologies which are used as well such as hydro, geothermal and tidal. Geothermal and tidal especially could have furthur investment into them, and are possibly better than solar and wind because they are abolutely always on.
There is a very interesting example of a geothermal plant in Australia, where they are pumping water underneth a desert down to some hot rocks a few kilometres down, which turn the water into stem, and then the steam coes back up to the ground, turns the turbines and then goes back. But of course the project is only a pilot and it doesn't have much government funding (previous government==climate change conservatives).