hie i have registered www.twitter-ro.net and some one is leeching my website to his domain www.twitter-ro.com
so i request u to help me and remove that...
Neither twitter-ro.net nor twitter-ro.com are showing present in our domain system. If you want to file a copyright infringement or other claim you'd have to do it through their host; we aren't the copyright holders or owners of any content on your site.
That said, enjoy a permanent suspension for the Warez Links inside the fizmobi.in subfolder. That's not tolerated in our terms:
* Warez: Includes pirated software, ROMS, emulators, phreaking, hacking, password cracking, IP spoofing, etc... This also includes any sites which provide "links to" or "how to" information about such material.
I was just treated to a page with over 30 illegal links. Hope it was worth being hosted for 3 days, cause you're not welcome to come back until this account self-terminated after a minimum of 2 weeks.