To give you an idea of relative speed on X10Hosting free and X10Hosting Premium or VPS:
There are THOUSANDS of users on each X10Hosting free server compared to X10Premium, which has somewhere in the range of 10-100 times less people and X10VPS with has probably in the realm of 10 users on each one, depending on the size of the packages each user has.
You can make X10Hosting free better by paying a small upgrade fee to Prime or Illuminated hosting, which offer mildly better performance. X10Premium starts at $3.95 a month, and it includes a free top-level domain for all 3 years when you sign up for 3 years. X10Premium is fully managed 99.9% uptime guaranteed. There really is no comparison between the two; X10Hosting Free and X10Hosting Premium are two separate worlds. X10VPS is a separate world from either those two, you get a designated piece of RAM, HDD, and CPU just for you; no one else can use it.
The X10Hosting servers are located in Chicago, Illinois, USA.