Well in about 5 years back ( the time when most people got their 1st computers ) the technology wasnt there and if it was it was high priced, we have come a long way with technology now but still at 512mb RAM back then would be a high number.
it was my dads first laptop that had no CDROM but it had floppies and that is how old it was but when we took to be repaired somewhere they said it was too old to be repaired.. But what is funny is that my dad new laptop has no floppies..
the specs: i am not sure but it is too old to get repaired..
8MB of RAM
700 MB HDD
NO cd rom
One 5- 1/4 inch FDD
CGA Monitor -> Later upgraded to color monitor as the cga one died
3 Button scroll mouse Logitech
A keyboard with no windows key. Can't remember the make as the print has gone off.
And guess what...I Still own it and its still working. Only the ESC key doesn't work and the hdd jams sometime, but a good pat on its side makes it work again.