SQL Error, space related

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I realize this has been posted before once (as I have seen)

Sorry for the inconvenience!
The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.
The only difference between the time when this happened, and wasn't happening was one image.
I uploaded one image onto my site, it seems to have gone down after that, the only other changes on the ftp were an error_log because my php couldn't access the database.

I have removed the image and more things I didn't need, now I'm going lower than before in space usage yet still getting the error, any help is appreciated.

Edit: I know admins are working on it, but I thought I'd let you know that there isn't a space issue :S


It seems to have resolved itself, I would like to keep this thread open because I have seen others get the problem again after it was gone once.
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"552 Disk full" - or "please upload later" - or "server is running out of disk space" - or "error 28 from storage engine" - or errors like that - are at the server level, indicating that the shared data storage (SAN) partition(s) are full or nearly full or a server read/write-file type of error - which is preventing you from uploading files - or using cPanel - or your site from using a MySQL database - this is a server issue so Admins will need to fix it - your files (data) are NOT the problem so there is nothing you can do but wait

It can take several hours, depending on the source of the problem

see --> [ http://status.x10hosting.com/ ]


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seems resoved now. cPanel and WP sites working now


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It's possible that it's connected to the sheer number of users and the fact that a lot of users increases the likelihood of deprecated code and faulty scripting going gaga on the error logs. Memory leaks are a major problem with some scripts as well, like Flatpress.

It's usually not a hassle having a few little leaks, but on servers full of people, with lots of them simply telling PHP to shut up about errors instead of trying to fix them, it can be a real crippler. It's why I finally decided to learn to fix things myself instead of just diddling the error_reporting.

Add to that the vast numbers of people these days who try (however sneakily) to run bots and similar automated scripts, and it makes me so glad someone else is in charge of everything. If you think it's a hassle getting a site up and running, try maintaining a handful of ginormous servers full of strangers, potential skiddies and semi-novice programmers like me!

I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

On a lighter note, the staff here seems pretty up on things for a volunteer crew, and I'm sure it's nothing permanent. Good luck with your problems, and I'm sure it'll all be better soon.


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It's possible that it's connected to the sheer number of users and the fact that a lot of users increases the likelihood of deprecated code and faulty scripting going gaga on the error logs. Memory leaks are a major problem with some scripts as well, like Flatpress.

It's usually not a hassle having a few little leaks, but on servers full of people, with lots of them simply telling PHP to shut up about errors instead of trying to fix them, it can be a real crippler. It's why I finally decided to learn to fix things myself instead of just diddling the error_reporting.

Add to that the vast numbers of people these days who try (however sneakily) to run bots and similar automated scripts, and it makes me so glad someone else is in charge of everything. If you think it's a hassle getting a site up and running, try maintaining a handful of ginormous servers full of strangers, potential skiddies and semi-novice programmers like me!

I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

On a lighter note, the staff here seems pretty up on things for a volunteer crew, and I'm sure it's nothing permanent. Good luck with your problems, and I'm sure it'll all be better soon.
Yes, it's been fixed now :)

Also, the php file that caused errors is a simple comparator, _GET to database, a simple login system.

The error was only from not being able to connect to the database :)
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