Is SSI working properly? additional domain, site in public_html/sweetluck.ru
index.shtml is no longer working. I didn't change anything, it just stopped working. On the another hosting it's stil working properly. And permissions, neither of 644 755 are working.
The code (index.shtml) is like:
Hope someone cares. At least a little. Pleeease =) I've got no more ideas, what it might be.
Is SSI working properly? additional domain, site in public_html/sweetluck.ru
index.shtml is no longer working. I didn't change anything, it just stopped working. On the another hosting it's stil working properly. And permissions, neither of 644 755 are working.
The code (index.shtml) is like:
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING=/home/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Home"-->
<!--#set var="content" value="home"-->
<!--#set var="paint" value="1"-->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Sweet Luck cattery"-->
<!--#set var="content" value="index"-->
<!--#set var="paint" value="0"-->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$paint=1"-->
<!--#set var="title" value="Sweet Luck cattery - $title"-->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#set var="param" value="$QUERY_STRING"-->
<!--#include virtual="ssi/top.shtml?$param"-->
<!--#if expr="$paint=1"-->
<!--#include virtual="ssi/menu.shtml"-->
<!--#include virtual="ssi/logo.shtml?$param"-->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="content/$content.shtml"-->
<!--#if expr="$paint=1"-->
<!--#include virtual="ssi/bottom.shtml"-->
<!--#endif -->
Hope someone cares. At least a little. Pleeease =) I've got no more ideas, what it might be.