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I wonder why governments keep proposing laws to severely restrict human rights and freedom.
SOPA, PIPA, NDAA, ACTA ... you name it, disguised under the name of "copyright". And all of them behind our backs, to serve their own interests, not ours. They never ask the public opinion, they just come up with some laws and try to enforce them. And lately, to escape any direct responsibility, they try to globalize these organizations so no one can bring them to a court law. Because since they don't belong to any country, yet they can act in any country, then they have the power to do as they please and no one can touch them.

What exactly does this mean? That multinational organizations which don't belong to any country now dictate what the governments should do. That most of the countries are ruled behind the scene and the politicians and governments are just puppets serving the interests of these organizations.

I am amazed how people still indulge these kind of criminal acts against them, just because "that's the law".
No one ask themselves anymore? ... Who voted the law? Who interests is that law serving?

They say that people evolved and became more civilized, but all i see is the same old hierarchical structure, which dates since the very known history of mankind. A few who have the power and enforce laws to serve their own interests, others who those few pay in order to maintain the laws (guards, police ... etc), and the rest of tax payers who works so that the few ones can do whatever they want.
If long ago the slaves were forced to work without any payment, today the slaves are begging for a low salary job ... therefor yes, from this point of view the humanity evolved, the ultimate slavery system was developed.

But hey, that's what happens when you're giving away your power. There are not powerful people, there are only people who allow others to have the power
Now i wonder if this is a designed system to force people to wake up from their miserable day to day life and realize their true potential, since willingly only few people will strive for self development. But when you have no more choices, no more comfort, what will you do? Keep lying to yourself that everything is going to be ok? Or take the responsibility for your own life and start to live according to your standards, your ideas and your feelings?

Well for an insight about ACTA, check these pages: wikipedia - about acta,,


Grim Squeaker
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They couldn't start proposing these kind of laws if criminals didn't insist on stealing the property of others.

Stop warez, nulled scripts, pirated music and movies, knock-off drugs, etc, and the governments cannot propose the laws that usually go way too far.

CWeb Creative

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While that may be true, unfortunately that will likely never happen. Even though those things are in reality stealing (mainly online piracy, warez, nulled scrips) they simply dont seem the same as taking something physical directly from a person. Due to this fact many people dont make the moral connection between copyright infringement and stealing. Another reason that it is so rampant is that it is so easy. Copying a file is so easy and simple that it is very hard to prevent. Once the file has reached the internet it simply becomes data just like anything else. The internet does not know nor care what type of file it is, what copyrights it has and what said file contains. To make this harder would mean taking control of a users computer away from the user and put it in the hands of the government or the corporations (sometimes the same thing) which is going way too far and sacrificing way to much in the name of the law.

Thats just my two cents. Take it for what it's worth, which varies from person to person.
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They couldn't start proposing these kind of laws if criminals didn't insist on stealing the property of others.

Stop warez, nulled scripts, pirated music and movies, knock-off drugs, etc, and the governments cannot propose the laws that usually go way too far.

Don't compare warez to drugs. It's the lawmakers, politicians and big corporations who do the real stealing. They rip off the majority of the people to make money for a few. There isn't enough jobs for all people to be able to afford all the digital entertainment in a legal way. These so-called laws are unacceptable if you believe in democracy and freedom. There are more urgent things to be looked into in the current economical times.


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Like why I haven't had a pay rise in a while.

Seriously, though - a lot of people are looking at the production studios huge profits and how much the so-called actors are getting paid and wondering if it's really worth it. Piracy has probably led the way for recordable media, and by stopping piracy, there's no guarantee that the number of sales will rise proportionately.


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These stupid laws are not only affecting the USA, but the whole world. I am not from the USA, and I really want to kill that guy who came up with it.


Grim Squeaker
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These stupid laws are not only affecting the USA, but the whole world. I am not from the USA, and I really want to kill that guy who came up with it.

Which "stupid laws" are you talking about?

Copyright/patent laws in general or the newer, overreaching laws?


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I'm afraid that these kind of laws are not only about money. They're not even about the copyright. The big corps don't lose that much because some people don't go to a movie or don't buy a cd or dvd with songs. Those who can afford it usually buy them, those who can't afford won't buy anyway.
These laws are because some people are control freaks and want to have a total control over everything. And since the internet was the last "free world", they now try to impose rules and regulations for it. Probably they will be very happy when all people will only watch the stupid shows that they're broadcasting on TV, the news that makes the world look like a living hell so we will be afraid to even get out of our homes. In other words : "you are free ... to do as we tell you".

If any of you read the book called "1984", by George Orwell, will see the resemblance and will notice that the society is going in that exact direction.
Well, too bad that most people are just drowning in an ocean of self created problems and can't enjoy life anymore.


Grim Squeaker
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Those who can afford it usually buy them, those who can't afford won't buy anyway.

So if you can't afford them, or are "morally opposed to copyrights" or do it just because "you can", it is okay to steal?

That is what it is, theft.

If you want to "enjoy life", pay for you enjoyment like most others.


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So if you can't afford them, or are "morally opposed to copyrights" or do it just because "you can", it is okay to steal?
That is what it is, theft.
If you want to "enjoy life", pay for you enjoyment like most others.
hmm, want to go into polemics?
If the government has the "right" to steal from people (trough taxes over taxes and other taxes), that makes it morally just, just because they passed some laws to gave them that right?
What is in fact morality? Not some laws written by people, which are not even equally imposed and which are changed as other wants to?
Ain't it morally wrong to kill another human? And yet, in times of war, one who kills a dozen people is decorated as hero of war? Where is the morality in that?

Now, are you not using what other people invented long before you were born? Are you paying for the contribution of thousands of people who devoted many years of their lives to bring benefits to humanity?
And yes, i very much agree to pay for what others worked, because i know exactly what it means,
but you have to remember that human kind evolved only because people shared their knowledge and researches.
Cause if they didn't, we will still be in stone age.
And how did humanity got the fire? (mythologically speaking).
Not by an act of thievery? Did not Prometheus stole the fire from gods and brought it to the humans?
So by what rights did the gods kept the fire away from humans? Just because they were born earlier?

Anyway, you're missing the whole point here. ACTA is not about money, is not about copyright, is all about control.
So would you like that everything you do with your computer to be monitored and possibly used against yourself just because you dared to have a different opinion?
If so, think about what would've happened in the dark ages, if the church had the same measures of control as now. I'll let you use your imagination, if you still can make use of it.


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so if you can't afford them, or are "morally opposed to copyrights" or do it just because "you can", it is okay to steal?

That is what it is, theft.

If you want to "enjoy life", pay for you enjoyment like most others.

i dont believe there is a guy who is defending sopa/acta!!!! The money the money they are taking you will never even smell them!!! Stop that and get a life!! Or you want the life to cost money also??!

Stop acta!!!


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Hopefully this doesn't get passed. Wonder if the internet will do a global protest anytime soon.


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i dont believe there is a guy who is defending sopa/acta!!!! The money the money they are taking you will never even smell them!!! Stop that and get a life!! Or you want the life to cost money also??!

Stop acta!!!
almost everything cost money today :))
only your own thoughts and the air are free ... for now . Just wait till they impose taxes for air, thinking, talking ...
You said 10 words? You must pay a tax to the government for polluting the atmosphere. Oh, you didn't know that you eliminate CO2 when you breath out? It doesn't matter, what matters is that from now on you will pay a tax of 5$ for each 1000 breaths you take. You dared to think and create a negative energetic field around you? Damn right you have to pay for such a crime. And that will cost you ... a lot.
What else can we tax? How many times people fart? No problem, we will just pass a law which will make them pay for that.
People are too fat? No worries, wait till we tax every pound over 140 pounds for men and 120 pounds for women. You will no longer see fat people, either they'll die by starvation, or they'll die cause they will have no more money after paying the tax ... or they will succeed.
Overpopulation of the globe? Damn, that's hard, those poor idiots who make 10 kids have nothing we can take from them. Help me with this one please, i really am out of ideas for this problem.