Suggestion - Backup Files to .zip


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Recently I came across a stupid mistake that caused all of the files on my server to disappear. Thankfully, I had backups, but they were outdated.

Enter the world of instant backup.

Having x10 store backups of your files is ludicrous and impossible. Therefore, you, the owner, are responsible for backing up your files, databases, and emails. What if x10 made it easier?

I propose this: We could have a new column on our cPanel called "Backup". On that panel would be a button called "Backup". When clicked, it will lead you to a menu asking what you'd like to backup (files, DBs, emails, etc.) and then you could choose files and folders singularly or select them all.

After that is done, the selected files, folders, databases, emails, etc. are sent to a .zip file which you can download.
Then, all the backups are deleted from the server to make room for more.

What do you think? Would this improve your life?

Comments, suggestions, flames and everything else that's inside the rules is welcome.


Active Member
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Everyone should remember, "You are the only one responsible for backing up your files".<BR><BR>The simplest way to do this is to build your web site on your own computer and then upload it to your web host.&nbsp; Yes, to do this you will need the programs to do what you want on your site.&nbsp; If you feel you can not afford the software for a web site, there are FREE programs available to do most everything you need or want for a web site.&nbsp; You just have to look for them.&nbsp; Check out Tucows, CNet, and for open source programs, Sourceforge, just to name a few.&nbsp; Many of the commerical programs also have free versions.<BR><BR>If your web page is on your computer and for some reason it is lost, i.e. suspension, change in host policy, host going out of business, you have the site to upload to another host.&nbsp; I had my web site for several years at a host that got into finincial trouble and suddenly went out of business.&nbsp; In the past year, x10 is my third host, one had a change of policy due to client abuse and the other went out of business, at least I had advance notice on the last two.<BR><BR>Remember, only YOU are responsible for YOU.<BR><BR>Kenny9<BR><BR>


New Member
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This is a fantastic idea. Could be of Great use. I have most of my files backed up too, but not 100% all the time so it would be nice


Staff member
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cPanel does have this ability (it is currently disabled on Free Hosting, however), it just has two issues with our setup:
1) it uses an insanely high amount of CPU, meaning that if there were a chunk of people all wanting to use it at the same time (like, 10+ people), it could bring the server to a crawl for everyone else
2) it stores the backup .zip on your account, and some people would forget to remove the .zip from their account after downloading it, making the disk run out of space faster

@essaji: You can back up your databases, just go into phpMyAdmin and hit the export tab. More information is available here.