Suspension for High Resource Usage

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My site was just suspended for the second time due to high resource usage. The last time this happened (which was a month or two ago), I was advised to review the plugins installed (I use WordPress) and make sure none of them was taking up too many system resources. As far as I can tell, there are no resource-heavy plugins running on my site (not that that means much - I'm far from being an expert in this area, so if anyone wants to visit the site and try to find a possible culprit, be my guest -

Here's the thing: I need to prevent this from happening again. It is very important for our organization to have our site be always operational. So, I can go in one of two directions.

1. Find out what is causing the suspensions and do whatever needs to be done to prevent it from happening. For that, I need advice from this community because I am at a total loss for what to do differently.

2. Switch to a payed service (either with x10 or another company) that can guarantee that this will not happen again. My preference would, of course, be to stay with the same company, but before our organization puts out any money for hosting, we need to be assured that this will not happen again.

Please share as much information as possible.


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Well, the easy way out is to go to paid hosting. Tracking down these problems is difficult because it depends so much on random incidences. You can disable all your plugins and enable them one at a time to figure out which one will trip the suspension. Unfortunately the staff can only trace the problem to the executing script, not scripts included in the main script. So, this means you are suspended for index.php every time, as far as the suspension system is concerned. You can install software like XAMPP and run a copy on your computer. Then you can see in actual numbers what's happening on your computer. The stats will be different than what X10Hosting sees, but you can see comparatively what is happening with which plugins installed.
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