I just reread the terms of service, and I stil don't understand why I got suspended. All I'm trying to do is keep wordpress up to date, why am I getting suspended for this?
If it's for high resource usage, then it's not really a Terms of Service violation. The reason it happens is because if your site uses too much CPU or too many processes at once, then it causes the other user's site on your server to slow down or stop showing up at all. So there are restrictions in place in the server to try to stop that from happening.
I suggest manually updating your wordpress because it's a known issue that the automatic update uses too many resources.
Is this going to be fixed anytime soon? I shouldn't be suspended just because I'm trying to do an auto-update of wordpress. Also, is there a way that when I open a new support ticket from the control pannel, is there a way to get me subscribed to that thread automatically? It seems that I have to reply to a topic to get me subscribed to it.
Concerning a fix, this is not a hosting account problem as the server resource restrictions are there so that other accounts can also use the server. It's not fair that a script uses up too many resources of the servers, therefore, it is the script's, Wordpress, fault. If you have any concerns like this about Wordpress, then you'll have to tell go Wordpress about it.
There is a thread tools menu in created threads. Please use it to subscribe to a thread.
Ok, one more question for those that use another content management system, is this a problem for the system you are using or do all auto-updates do this?
You are welcome to try all existing free open source software and their automatic update functions to find your answer. Due to your question, I'm curious as well, but I do not have the time or patience to complete this kind of extensive project. Manual updating apparently works well enough that it won't matter and is not a concern when the server resources restriction serves it's purpose to make sure that other free hosting users have a fair share to them to have a functional website.
The other option to prevent a high resource usage suspension due to auto-updating is to upgrade your entire account to another hosting package. Prime membership is still on the free servers, but Illuminated and Premium packages have even higher allotments for server resource usage on their own shared hosting servers.
You don't have the time and neither do I. I thought that since this is a public forum that someone would chime in with there thoughts. However, I have found that this forum isn't very friendly for browsing, guess I should have thought of that yesterday.
If you were addressing the forum at large with your question, then you might get more answers if you ask in the Scripts & 3rd Party Apps forum. I make this suggestion because this support forum has restricted replies to users with a higher post count, and therefore, there may be users that would like to respond to you here, but can't..
So what, they can't reply because they have too many posts already? Why this restriction? What is the limit do you know? You seem to have a high post count.