If you would kindly check the date edited of that index.php, you'll notice that I created it this morning as a check to installing my newly bought IPB software.
The RIAAFlood is a new program to monitor bandwidth between the RIAA and a particular machine which is implemented between VB and ASP: not yet published.
The browser prank script is a script I ripped from someone who pranked me with it, and I saved it to split it apart and analyze it to better my understanding of Javascript looping. The only IP that has viewed page is I. Even then, your ToS on scripts appears only to apply to scripts that run automatically, not one thing I've uploaded runs without user interaction.
* Bots\Scripts We do not allow any type of bot or script that runs constantly, free hosting is for creating a website, not for hosting your scripts.
If I were hosting a plethora of scripts, legal or not, I would fully understand your concern. However much of my site has not even been accessed by anyone but myself so in a way I'm saving you bandwidth and computing power.
My website is a personal website for my university programming class. We are to find a free host, work on our website, and then host our ideas. Everything VB.NET based is for my class/website. The entire basis of the site is programming, even though my index is not currently uploaded; the files are there and ready to be implemented to share my ideas with other programmers.
I eagerly await their confirmation response as the software was completely paid for just two days prior to this morning's install.
I hope my explanations will help me keep my hosting plan, though doubtful, I thank you for taking the time to converse with me.