Everything anyone does behind the wheel of the car is distracting and therefore a hazard to the lives of everyone on the road. Changing the climate control, putting a CD in the player, talking on the phone, picking your nose, ANYTHING takes your mind off of the road long enough for an accident to happen. Blinking your eyes takes about 100ms. The average time it takes a human to spot a situation that requires adjusting the vehicle is about 250ms. So, you add 40% to your reaction time if you BLINK at the wrong time. I will guarantee that no one spends less than 100ms doing anything distracting in the car, so we're looking at adding 50-1000% or more JUST TO THE REACTION TIME, not to mention the time it takes to get both hands on the wheel and actually doing a life-saving maneuver.
I admit, I'm a huge hypocrite in this area, and there's no justification to it whatsoever, but the bottom line is driving a car is EXTREMELY dangerous in the first place. Why would you do ANYTHING to increase your risk of disability, death, manslaughter, or even just a small fine? Does $100 to say "lol" to your friend sound good? How about being a vegetable for the next 50 years for answering the phone instead of waiting 5 minutes? It's a very very silly behavior we've made socially acceptable....