Thank you very much for everything-patty


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Hi, Joyce gatteroyce, Anna, Kenny, spacecres and all
Yes, I do have 2 iPads I currently own and the first ipad had ever own had been 20 years ago till now which I have been here for 23 years now and the second one the second newest version the iPad mini I own 2 years later. Yes I can see everything correctly on the iPad mini, I can view everything in my direct admin control panel and the third and fourth pictures are the correct way it should look. Yes the fist two problems that I have encountered are the first 2 pictures I have taken from the camera and that is from my iPad 4.0 and up. I did logged into my webpage this morning at 8:00 am in the morning from my iPad mini and now I logged into my webpage in my original ipad 4.0 and up at 10:00 pm at night so I logged into it at 2 different times once in the morning in my mini iPad and the second time is at night in my original iPad 4.0 and up just to see if i can logg into it and now it displays as it should be and i don't have to worry about it no more. Thank you so much to you, shaw, Anna, Kenny, Joyce gatteroyce, and all for helping me figure out how to log into my website and everything has remained the same. Very much appreciated. I thought it will be good to invest time, in technology, energy and faith in my self and amazing people whether they are a boy or a girl. I do believe in goodness
Sincerely, Patty