Perhaps a little bit of both. I don't go to church, and I doubt I ever will cept for weddings and funerals, and of course christenings.
I believe there is a God, whatever a God is, because I cannot see how life, the universe, and everything that exists, can have been formed through science, ie a clashing of meteors, perhaps life, at a stretch yes. But not the unvierse, not the human brain, not love nor fate.
I believe there is a God, because it's the only realistic situation in my mind. I don't believe that he has never sinned, I don't believe he is perfect like the Bible dictates, and nor do I intend to find out.
Perhaps, if as I believe, there was a God, and he had a 'son' called Jesus, men who followed Jesus and God wrote the Bible. Then, over years, events began to be re-written, the bible itself had parts, and if I am right, the whole of the Bible was re-written at least once in known history. Nothing in the Bible today can be doubtable, and nor can it be undoubtable, because there are certain events that are fiction, and some that may be the truth. Until humans can time travel, there shall be no physical, or otherwise complete and beyond a doubt proof, of a God, of Jesus, or a shred of proof against or for their existance or their actions.
Maybe Moses did wander the desert, like I said, I believe in God, but I wouldn't go to church, no offence to those that do, but it's not for me, I don't see the point in following something when half the world tells you to be unique and the other half says you should be normal, and be like everyone else.
I live my life how I see fit, I don't think, oh dear, I have sinned, I must go and pray for forgiveness, I know what's right and wrong in life, because it's how I was brought up. Notice that, brought up, not dragged up

Well, I hoped you like reading this, and I hope it has been an insightful part of this topic and debate.