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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: Hey Im sick and when Im sick I do terrible terrible things.
You: thats nice to know...
You: swine flu?
Stranger: Crack. When I cant get my fix i do terrible terrible things.
You: right..
Stranger: Sometimes I gotta HUSTLE AND DO IT MY MUTHA****IN SELF
Stranger: ahahaahahahaha
You: um
Stranger: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ahhhhh hmmmmmmmm
Stranger: Crack
Stranger: u smoke?
You: nah i hate smokers
Stranger: When I put the pipe in my mouth
You: awful people
Stranger: my body shivers
Stranger: Sorry for that
Stranger: Im actually a 18 year old teen in canada
Stranger: I come from a very well to od family just bored today
You: im in new zealand. do you know where that is?

Stranger: Yes. Beautiful place.
You: i know

You: pity about the data caps on broadband

Stranger: true (has no clue what your talking about)
You: lol
Stranger: ever been to canada
You: nah only japan
Stranger: how old are u
You: too young

You: like... 10

Stranger: O
Stranger: o well
Stranger: it doesnt amtter
Stranger: 10 year old are capable of intelligent conversation
You: xiopctu
You: sry dropped the keyboard
Stranger: nice
Stranger: idiotr
Stranger: So does your mom read bedtime stories to you before you go to bed?
You: no i read my own. plus it's mum in kiwiland aka nz
You have disconnected.
BTW I'm not 10.