Option Explicit
Dim AlarmTime
Const conMinimized = 1
Private Sub Form_Click()
AlarmTime = InputBox("Enter alarm time", "VB Alarm", AlarmTime)
If AlarmTime = "" Then Exit Sub
If Not IsDate(AlarmTime) Then
MsgBox "The time you entered was not valid."
Else ' String returned from InputBox is a valid time,
AlarmTime = CDate(AlarmTime) ' so store it as a date/time value in AlarmTime.
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
AlarmTime = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
If WindowState = conMinimized Then ' If form is minimized, display the time in a caption.
Caption = "Alarm Clock"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetCaptionTime()
Caption = Format(Time, "Medium Time") ' Display time using medium time format.
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Static AlarmSounded As Integer
If lblTime.Caption <> CStr(Time) Then
' It's now a different second than the one displayed.
If Time >= AlarmTime And Not AlarmSounded Then
MsgBox "Alarm at " & Time
AlarmSounded = True
ElseIf Time < AlarmTime Then
AlarmSounded = False
End If
If WindowState = conMinimized Then
' If minimized, then update the form's Caption every minute.
If Minute(CDate(Caption)) <> Minute(Time) Then SetCaptionTime
' Otherwise, update the label Caption in the form every second.
lblTime.Caption = Time
End If
End If
End Sub
It's a response to someone asking for VB code in another forums. (copy/paste from VB5 example files)