(14:30:25) Callum: hi
(14:31:39) Chris: hey
(14:31:45) Callum: how r u?
(14:31:52) Chris: nb ta
(14:31:53) Chris: u
(14:32:21) Callum: im good thanks
(14:33:10) Chris: wuu2
(14:33:21) Callum: nothing really

(14:33:33) Chris: lol
(14:33:33) Chris: y
(14:33:57) Callum: dunno
(14:34:05) Chris: do sumthing then
(14:34:07) Callum: burning a disk which is using all the RAM
(14:34:20) Callum: and downloading which is using all the bandwidth
(14:34:24) Chris: lol
(14:34:27) Chris: lol
(14:34:43) Callum: 12% after 3 hours

(14:34:48) Callum: I hate tiscali

(14:43:19) Chris: we used to hav tiscali
(14:43:24) Chris: now weve got virgin media
(14:59:40) Callum: thay're the best ones
(14:59:49) Callum: the fibre optic one or the normal one?
(15:00:28) Chris: normal u retrd
(15:00:40) Chris: fibre optic is 59.99 a month
(15:00:52) Callum: fair enough
(15:01:04) Callum: that's exactly my income!
(15:01:21) Chris: altho it is 50bits/second
(15:01:28) Callum: I know

(15:01:35) Callum: whats ur speed?
(15:01:41) Chris: the average for homes in the UK is 6bits/second
(15:01:47) Chris: dunno
(15:01:55) Chris: i cud find out but it wud b boring
(15:01:57) Chris:
(15:02:09) Callum: speedtest.net
(15:04:19) Callum: that is so random
(15:05:45) Chris: i no
(15:09:45) Chris: download=>1989 kb/s
(15:09:46) Chris: upload=>185kb/s
(15:09:54) Callum: 2mb
(15:09:58) Callum: mine is 1

(15:10:14) Chris: lol
hmm a convo on msn...not sure whether I should be posting this lol