The Uber Serious Thread About Mondo Important Stuff


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Ok so some history for those who are recently joining us:

John Klyne absolutely insisted on hijacking my thread with Heady Things so I thought, if I'm going to make a drawn out philosophical discussion, I ought to share our collective insight (or lack thereof) with all of you happy people, so you may jump in and add your two cents to the collection jar.

So the topic is: er. Society, its influence on people, whether or not that is good, and all that jazz.

So! Without further ado, I will respond to John Klyne's copious amounts of verbage:

I will answer with every bit of knowledge I have, and not tell a single lie. I am just trying to make sure you understand, I don't make things up.

Your first question would answer why I act in the ways I do...and why I use thinking patterns to change what I don't like...

you said why do I take things so seriously...I was born and raised in ways that made me more mature, quicker than those other people my age. I was made to think acting this one way compared to the other is bad. I take things seriously because, I have been told, and made to take things seriously when I was younger. There were no fun and games for me, there was just straight out, commands, one thing after another, I just had to complete. No questions asked.
How funny. Most people have hardships, it's a matter of how you choose to cope with them. My childhood wasn't exactly pretty either, but I developed a sense of humor to deal with it. At some point, I said to myself that some things matter, and some things don't, and the things that don't matter, why worry about them? Why be upset? Why bother? Just laugh. I learned to laugh, at myself, at life, and the silly little things.
You know how I said, it's a parents fault for how messed up the child may be, but then it's also the parents that made the child be good in certain ways...well, my seriousness is my parents fault. The sub-conscious makes me act such ways.
So basically, your parents take all the blame for you being the way you are? It has nothing to do with you, or your personality, or how YOU chose to deal with it? Why allow yourself to be the victim? Take some responsibility for yourself, will ya?
Here is something that makes me "hate" some parents on sight, without knowing them, or speaking to them AT ALL...
Rage! O Muse, sing of the rage of John son of Klyne
there is a mother having a conversation with someone else. The mother's child who is just old enough to walk, goes up to the mother and tries to hug the mother. The mother pushes the child back, because she was obviously in a "deep meaningful conversation" with this other person. The child experiences the same forms of neglect in the future, as the child gets older...until, hugging, is made shameful in public, or socially un-acceptable to them, sub-conciously. That is how you get some people to be soo shy, or afraid to touch, and hug others, in similar ways you get people who stutter, or stumble upon their words, some speak too soft, some speak too loudly.

I merely view what the mother does to the child and that makes me hate them. You want to know why? Do you want to know why that ticks me off? The things a growing person goes through in life, will be determined by what was done to the child when they were younger. If the parents knew the pain or feelings they put their child at risk of when they get older, that parent would hug their child every morning and every night.
I've always kinda been a quiet child, and I value my personal space. It's just a function of being introverted. My sister, with the same parents, school, culture, media, upbringing, and the like, turned out almost opposite: utterly and completely extroverted. There's no accounting for the difference except as innate. You make it sound like being soft-spoken, quiet, and liking to keep in one's own space is a bad thing, a sign of being damaged somehow. Whereas I just view it as a matter of preference. On a related note, typical "introverted" behavior in places like China have been viewed as normal and "extroverted" behavior is frowned upon as abnormal. But here in America, extroverted behavior is a sign of being "well-adjusted" and introverted behavior is viewed as "withdrawn" or "depressed" or "asocial." Are you sure, Mr. Klyne, that your opinions about optimal behavior patterns aren't a direct reflection of society's values about them?
First let me note: I am not sure what you mean, by viewing society as limiting. With that said...

I believe a society, does limit what people can do, and cannot do. Sometimes what society wants is not always what is best for everyone else, or the person who has to do something society wants. Society, is psychologically speaking, anyone out there, your parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, neighbors, EVERYONE except yourself is part of your society or group of people who influence you. Well, because of society, and what it puts a person through, people become physiologically sick, or imbalanced. Cases or things that have occurred or been created because of such psychological cases, are...the people who sit alone during lunch. People who can't have a normal conversation with their father or mother. People who are insecure, people who are over-secure. The person who can't look at a girl. The person who can't look at a guy. The person who can't say a word to their "interesting" opposite sex. Society creates, people who want money, and people who don't want anything but the clothes on their backs. It creates people who want to kill, people who want to rape, or people who want to commit suicide.

Do I like society? I believe society has it's benefits, but then, those benefits, do not in my grandest opinion outweigh the bad it creates. How much is a person's life worth? How much is your life worth?
A person's life is worth what they make of it. It's purely subjective.
The next part is important.

There was a man, not that old, maybe age 24-28. It was his birthday, on this special day. He only wanted one thing. He woke up one morning, and went for a 2 mile walk, to get to the golden-gate bridge..(or the red long bridge in California, not sure on the name)...and then he jumps off...leading to his death. The cops went to his apartment to find why he might have done this, or what caused it. They found one note, perfectly written on top of the table. It said, "If one person smiles at me today, I will not jump off."

That was his birthday wish, all this young man wanted was a smile. There are thousands of people he saw, while walking to the bridge, and you know what? Not one person smiled. Now tell me how hard is it to smile? And why didn't one person smile at this young man?

That is what society creates, I do not know the parents of that young man, but if I ever met them, I would spit in their face, tell them it is their fault, and walk away. And every other person in society who has said one wrong or un-nice thing to that young man, I would do the same. Why did no one smile? It is socially un-acceptable...?!?!... to walk around, smiling at every person you came into eye contact with.
That's California. From what I hear, it's even worse in NY state. You ought to try Texas sometime.
Do this for me, if you are reading this, at all, and care. Walk by any 10 random people, smile and hello. If you are bold, and have a great heart which I really hope you all do, walk up to 10 random people, smile and say you are beautiful. Because a person feels they are not important, or a good part of society they may not like themselves, and commit suicide. There are more reasons to it, but dammit, what if the person who smiled at and said hello to, was a person who would have killed themselves if you did not?
:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh my Mr. Klyne. You ARE presumptuous! You automatically assume that I don't do this naturally. As I said, you ought to try Texas sometime. I remember I was living in Edmonton for some time, and wow, culture shock. People would act like I was crazy for talking to them in the grocery line, or while waiting for a bus, or something like that. See, it's experiences like this one that prove to me that it's a matter of perspective. Here in Texas, I'm seen as sorta introverted, quiet, unfriendly, not open enough. I move to Edmonton, and wow, I'm more friendly, open, extroverted, and disturbingly so. Did I want something? Am I conning them? Should they check their pockets after talking with me? My behavior hasn't changed, but perception of it has.

Continued in next thread -->


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you said ..."Why did you feel the need to comment on my thread about an amusing moment in my life with such fervor?"

Well, first I do not know, it just happened, I speak what I know.

Fervor...I looked up the word...(I did not know what it meant)...and this is what I found..

1. great warmth and earnestness of feeling: to speak with great fervor.
2. intense heat.

Well, I thought you might like to hear, ways of changing what caused yourself to show up to class. Great warmth? I hope every moment I spent on this thread, was meaningful, in some way or the other. I hope every thing I said made you think for yourself. I responded with such fervor, because I beleive ignorance, is not bliss.

Intense heat? I did not mean to do so, I like helping people, the ways I do it, are not conventional, but then, forget what society says, and as long as I do it, to the best of my ability, I am happy.

Sorry about the bad feelings I brought upon you.
Fervor, for me, has always carried a sort of religious feeling to it, as in "The pastor delivered his sermon with fervor." It carries a connotation of zealous belief, a sort of reckless abandon, or a sort of blindness. What I meant was: you barreled through my thread with such blind zealousness about your ideas that you missed the entire point of the thread: humor.
If the world embraced peace?...the world will not. Because the world itself causes what is not peaceful. Society itself creates what turns into disaster, or mere harm.
Again, missed the point. If the world embraced peas, what would the lima beans think? The world never hugged the lima beans as much as the peas. The peas were whirled, whereas the lima beans never were. Rage, rage, rage...
What are your thinking patterns...every move you make, in public or in private, in your head, or in another person's head, is the result of your thinking patterns. Your past experiences, whether or not you remember them, has no regard.

My thinking patterns are not superior, I do not believe I am superior. It depends on what your value actually.
DING! We have a winner.
I believe in these few words..."Once you say you know something, you know nothing," that was from a famous philosopher, that I cannot recall their name...(I think Socrates)...and this is my version of it... "If you think you are superior, you are nothing."

No I do not think I am superior but I do think, some things I have within me, are better than some things you have within yourself. And then, you also have what is better in yourself, than that which is within me.
DING DING DING! Wow, you've said something I can agree with for once.
The cost of changing your way of thinking, is, the amount of time I spent, to reveal to you what I know through my threads, or this thread. And it is the time lost of everyone else reading this thread, and the time you lost, trying to apply, or rethink anything I wrote, or said.

The benefits? People in this world, want to know the costs, more. If the costs are too much, they would not pursue it...
:hahano: The question was, why should I sacrifice my identity, my uniqueness, my own personal way of thinking, just so you can pet your own ego, that I took your advice, conformed to YOUR way of thinking, rather than embracing my own? Again, you stated that YOUR way of doing things is NOT superior to MY way of doing things. YOUR way of thinking is NOT superior to my way of thinking. So effectively, there's little benefit from ME becoming YOU. I'm quite happy being myself, thanks. I don't need YOU telling ME how I should be LIKE YOU. I should be LIKE ME. If you are not true to yourself, what can you expect from life?

You are full of assumptions, Mr. Klyne. Point by point, in blue, for easy viewing:
Well, the benefits, of yourself changing the way you think, are...
the wisdom you give others
You assume that I don't give others wisdom just the way I am.
the money you make that you hand to your child's college tuition
You assume that I won't be making enough money for a child's tuition. You also assume I will have children.
the husband you have or will have will be better off
You assume that my fiancee does not appreciate the way I am, and did not willingly choose a partner based on what he needs.
your parents, your neighbors, your friends all gain from it, mentally
You assume that my parents, neighbors, and friends don't already gain anything from me.
you save time
You assume I waste too much time, and that conforming to your way will save me time.
you save time, so that you can do something more important
Like what? You assume that what I value as important is the same as what you value as important
you save time, so that you can create something that will save others
You assume that I am incapable of saving others.
you learn about societies flaws, and you learn about it's good
You assume I'm naive about society's pros and cons
you appreciate what you have more than what you could have had
You assume I don't appreciate what I have!!!!!!!!
you work with what you have, and are happier
You assume I don't work with what I have
you make others happier because you are happier
You assume I'm not happy. You also assume I will be happier not being myself.
you radiate your inner beauty,
You assume I don't radiate any inner beauty.
you radiate, and express your outer beauty
you reveal your intellect
You assume I don't already reveal my intellect, and that I even want it revealed.
you learn more without boundaries,
Most of all, you would not need to ask what are the benefits, you would accept what you are given more, and work with it, and towards it, and achieve greater with it.

Do you not think, that the costs to make you and everyone or anything you come into contact with better off, are nothing compared to the benefits?
So I ought to sacrifice myself, so that you and everyone can benefit? Pff. Sometimes the costs are too much, my friend. You are basically saying that my personality, my uniqueness, my quirks, my flaws, my strengths, are irrelevant; that I would be more beneficial to world if I was You rather than Me, that I have no intrinsic worth, that if the universe lost the Me in myself, that it might be better off, somehow? Dang. And you think hearing this makes me feel better then?

Instead of smiling at people, you should just quit talking to them. You might prevent more bridge jumpings by just shutting yer yap.
Well, please ask more questions, if you wilt.

But here are some more for you...If you had one day left, before you disappeared, what would you do? tell me if that wish is not selfish, and tell me that wish, is un-obtainable right tell me it was un-obtainable years ago, and then tell me if you are of the ones who fly beyond the stars and mold their own slate.

Truthfully, John Klyne
Honestly, I'd probably spend some time reconnecting with my past. I'd dig up the old sentimental items, the journals, notes, photos, and spend some time remembering the good things, appreciating the things I have now, and making sure I leave behind notes, conversations, or something of the sort making sure everyone I knew and loved knew that I appreciated them. Because I'm a sentimental person. Of course it's not un-obtainable right here... it's the little things, the small actions, that make people know you care. Unobtainable years ago? No, I think I've been doing it all along, in my own little way. Sometimes you have to reconnect, or make new connections. An email, a Facebook post, a call, a visit...

AND yes of course I have flaws. I forget things. It's a flaw. But you won't see me uprooting my personality for the sake of never forgetting my keys again. I might do something reasonable, like get a planner, or keep a key rack near the door, so I don't forget things as easily. I showed for class when it wasn't necessary? Big deal, doesn't matter. Laugh, move on, vow to get a cell phone to help with appointments and whatnot.

And by the way, I see no logical connection between learning to pick up a guy and forgetting appointments. :dunno:


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I am not going to respond to that with a comment or suggestion. There is not much to say on this matter. It seems someone has pissed you off. From the first couple of lines I read. Summarize what this person has done.


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I am not going to respond to that with a comment or suggestion. There is not much to say on this matter. It seems someone has pissed you off. From the first couple of lines I read. Summarize what this person has done.

I dunno. Maybe not so much pissed as annoyed. I do get sick of people acting like they are so awesome that they can go around telling everyone how to improve themselves, unsolicited. Rather than tolerate a person's differences, and realize the value of an individual and their unique perspective, there are a lot of people who would like it if everyone were just like them. I have no interest in living in a world full of clones, do you? People need to respect a person's right to be themselves, and quit thinking that it is their job to go around "fixing" people. If it ain't broke, why fix it?

I suppose it's like, "Hey FractalFeline, you have a speck in your eye."
-- "Aye well Mr. Klyne, you have a log in yours. Maybe attend to that first and let me worry about the speck if I feel like it."

I am no one's Pygmalion Project, thanks.


Grim Squeaker
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I dunno. Maybe not so much pissed as annoyed. I do get sick of people acting like they are so awesome that they can go around telling everyone how to improve themselves, unsolicited.

My way of dealing with such...

Let's forget you better still
...............We're Not Gonna Take It, the Who


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:lol: Aye, I should probably /ignore the fool.

But it's so entertaining to thrash people. There's some part of me that enjoys the combat. :rant2:

In one way, I'm glad I got him to STFU in that thread. But then again, I'm disappointed that he never did answer the challenges, especially after the effort he put into provoking a response. Challenging me to respond honestly and all that. Ok, I made an honest response.

Typical blowhard.


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In a word.... Wow!

I'm still trying to figure out where he got himself discussing philosophy based on your initial post. I mean really, the last thing I would expect when I posted about a brain-cramp that I had, which I found humorous and decided to share, is a dissertation on modifying my thought patterns. Seriously WTF!?

I must admit, however, that I thoroughly enjoyed your responses. Kudos!


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In a word.... Wow!

I'm still trying to figure out where he got himself discussing philosophy based on your initial post. I mean really, the last thing I would expect when I posted about a brain-cramp that I had, which I found humorous and decided to share, is a dissertation on modifying my thought patterns. Seriously WTF!?

I must admit, however, that I thoroughly enjoyed your responses. Kudos!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was hoping someone would at least find the whole shebang somewhat amusing :)

I mean, everyone has brain farts. I have them all the time! If people didn't have brain farts, there wouldn't be whole industries dedicated to brain-aids. (Braids?) I mean seriously, think of the poor factory workers who bind together the planners, the hard-working programmers that make calendar apps for your iphone, and the little wee waifs that they have to support suddenly without jobs, hungry, homeless, hopeless. Jumping off the Golden Gate bridge. Le sad, no? :tear: