Hi, you could also do it through .htaccess, go to CPanel FileManager make sure 'Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)' is checked. Create a new file named '404.html' (Name it whatever you want, but remember to change it in the .htaccess code). Type in 'Error', or whatever you want to be displayed. Then go to .htaccess and click edit. Copy and paste the following code:
<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
Then save it.
Check it out by going to your site, type in something like this:
Want to take it further:
Error Code Reason
400 - Bad request
401 - Authorization Required
403 - Forbidden directory
404 - Page not found
500 - Internal Server Error
Just add:
To .htaccess
Replace ERRORCODE with any of the error codes and FILE with the file name.
Thank You