X10Hosting has policies in place to protect both x10hosting as well as the users of x10hosting. These policies cannot be changed to accommodate any one particular user. If you find that x10hosting and the policies of x10hosting suit your particular needs then we are very happy to provide you with quality free hosting services. If you believe that another hosting provider can better accommodate your hosting needs then you should move to that hosting provider. That is not being "cruel". It is simply stating a very obvious fact.
Right. That does make sense for any business. Yet, I don't see where the original poster had an issue with the "Policies" of x10. He was asking a question and was handed a pink slip to leave if he didn't like it. No help to find a work around, solving the issue to keep them as a member, just a blunt "Its our policy, you don't like it. Leave"
He quit his hosting account before any of us said "Thanks for being a member" etc.
He did? ... Obviously, I must of read it wrong. So I went back and read it again.
Here is the original post :
then i have to switch to another host? again?? heliohost was awesome. they worked. what other site builder will actually work on x10. you have soho launch in your fantastico installer...that doesnt work.... why?
Looks like two questions. Not once did he say "I am leaving / qutting x10" ... He says "So, I have to switch hosts again?" ( Which, from the sounds of - English is not his first language - could mean having to switch accounts / servers / plans / etc )
The next two responses don't even answer his questions. They just bash him and offer him a kind goodbye.
Which, his Fantasico issue relates to
http://x10hosting.com/freehosting.php. "If you want these services, you have to go to a paid account"
Nowhere is it posted by Corey or the Administration that Fantastico or the other software installer has been removed from Free Hosting and is only allowed on Paid. And so what if its easy to install programs. Sometimes I would rather have something ( or someone ) do it for me so I don't screw something up.
But it seems, regardless if its easier to install ... just because its offered, doesn't mean it will work.