Resolved Unable To Login

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New Member
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Hi guys. I'm unable to login to my account for some reason. I went moved and got a new ISP so I have not logged in recently, so I logged in, removed the suspension, and now it gives me this error. I have tried logging directly into and it does not work with my username and password or my email and password. Again, sorry for being inactive for such a long time. I had my friend try it out too, and he gets the same error.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!


Community Support
Community Support
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Please see the sticky at the top of this forum.

x10hosting free users:

As you might recall from here, x10hosting free users were changed to a different website management software, called DirectAdmin. Users who did not log in starting in November and ending in February were considered inactive, according to the terms of service. With the confusion surrounding the new software and the transition, the automatic inactivity suspension system and account deletion system did not operate until March. Accounts that were in bad standing for 30 days (so they were actually inactive for 60 days, double the normal time) were removed from the server. These accounts are now showing a default "Apache is functioning normally" page instead of the user's website. Additionally, trying to log in to your control panel via the x10hosting SSO will result in "redirecting your login" and then an error.

A few things to note:
  • x10hosting premium still uses cPanel and is not affected. Please open a ticket in your client area if you have any issues.
  • x10hosting free has zero backups. Backups are the responsibility of the user. Any account deleted is deleted forever.
  • In this one-time-only exceptional circumstance, backups do exist if your account was in good standing in February.
  • This one-time-only exceptional circumstance was supposed to end March 22.
  • Admins are now allowing restorations on a case-by-case basis.
  • Email reminders are not guaranteed. Emails get blocked and sent to spam; don't rely on them.
  • It is the user's responsibility to log in every 30 days. Some months have 31 days, so make sure your reminder accounts for that.
  • Only logins to count.
  • Logging in to the forum, FTP, DirectAdmin, email, Wordpress, Joomla, etc. etc. do not count
  • 100% of the time before March 2020, backups did not exist. These backups will not exist forever. Back up your site.
  • Do not back up your site to your account. This is against the terms of service.

If you have this issue when viewing your site or logging in, please create a thread here.

If you have questions about any of these things, please create a thread.

Thanks for being an x10hosting user!


I am just me
Staff member
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Due to the automated suspension/terminations being halted we did run a manual purge in early March (it was started the 4th) and since your account did not have any logins the the 60 days prior to the purge it was terminated as inactive.

Due to there being no warning emails as those are part of the automated, currently halted, system we said we'd this time allow for a restore if requested within reasonable time.

Initially we said cutoff for restores would be one week, meaning in reality we should not restore anyone past Sunday 15th, though we extended it a little bit extra, but it was said that the last cutoff date would be on Sunday March 22nd.

You're lucky though that the restore is still possible for your account.
I'm running the restore now and the account should be good to go in a few minutes.
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