Hi, i have my hosting account "maqui" suspended and i need it unsuspended. Could you help me?
The reason of that suspension was because my account had moved to another server.
Thank you very much. However my account now is reporting mailboxes fails. When im trying to connect them throug my outlook i cant. it says 0x800CCCF0 error. Couldnt connect with the server, if the trouble persist try to call your ISP.
I have 3 account configured and none work. Why? Could you help me?
The accounts are consultas@maquiblas.com.ar administracion@maquiblas.com.ar infotec@maquiblas.com.ar
And i forgot something. One of my destiny address repel my email x10hosting account. xxx@jumbo.com.ar
I know your problem is not with the Webmail feature, but the new problem with SquirrelMail is showing an error message that mentions IMAP, which should be the root of your problem.