this is my first time useing this and i tried to login but it kept getting me errors. like.
I was just wondering if anyone that has CuteFTP 7.1 would help me. Or maybe im not getting the host address right. If someone can tell me what it is. I tried
i dont know if they are the host address, it would be gladly if someone could help me
Unable to login.
This is usually due to an incorrect username or password. Check both for accuracy including whether or not Caps Lock is accidently enabled. If this error persists, check with your system administrator or hosting provider.
The connection failed due to an error or timeout.
1) Verify that the destination host name or IP address is correct.
2) Increase the connection timeout threshold under Global Settings | Connection.
3) Switch to the opposite data connection type (PASV or PORT) under Site Settings | Type tab.
I was just wondering if anyone that has CuteFTP 7.1 would help me. Or maybe im not getting the host address right. If someone can tell me what it is. I tried
i dont know if they are the host address, it would be gladly if someone could help me