Since yesterday I have not been able to pull up my web site. When I try to FTP to it my FTP client says:
can't establish connection --> germanclass.x10hosting.com:21 @ Sun Dec 02 09:04:32 2007 (11004-100)
The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.
When I try to pull up http://germanclass.x10hosting.com:2082/
All I get is that the web page cannot be displayed.
What's frustrating is that yesterday while I was reviewing changes it worked fine, and then about an hour later I was unable to pull up my web site or CP. My account is NOT suspended and the server status says it is up.
Any info would be helpful.
Since yesterday I have not been able to pull up my web site. When I try to FTP to it my FTP client says:
can't establish connection --> germanclass.x10hosting.com:21 @ Sun Dec 02 09:04:32 2007 (11004-100)
The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.
When I try to pull up http://germanclass.x10hosting.com:2082/
All I get is that the web page cannot be displayed.
What's frustrating is that yesterday while I was reviewing changes it worked fine, and then about an hour later I was unable to pull up my web site or CP. My account is NOT suspended and the server status says it is up.
Any info would be helpful.