I have issues with my website, and I need to understand if there is something wrong with servers (so I can alert my users) or it's something I'm doing bad (so I can fix it).
Two days ago my new website http://rorschachstudio.x10.bz/ is up, with fancy wordpress, nameserver and everything. I'm on x12.
As of yesterday I am experiencing failure in phpmyadmin (sometimes phpmyadmin won't get loaded, sometimes goes to connection error), and reaching wordpress administration page, after many attemps I can enter my admin page.
I went to resource usage and it says my I/O resource usage was limited, however logs never shows any I/O peak near the limit line during yesterday or today.
Any information on this will be appreciated, I never had any problem with x10 hosting before besides some email problem during the directadmin transfer, so I'm actually more inclined to think I'm over-using free resources, however a lot of people is writing "site down" on the forum...
Two days ago my new website http://rorschachstudio.x10.bz/ is up, with fancy wordpress, nameserver and everything. I'm on x12.
As of yesterday I am experiencing failure in phpmyadmin (sometimes phpmyadmin won't get loaded, sometimes goes to connection error), and reaching wordpress administration page, after many attemps I can enter my admin page.
I went to resource usage and it says my I/O resource usage was limited, however logs never shows any I/O peak near the limit line during yesterday or today.
Any information on this will be appreciated, I never had any problem with x10 hosting before besides some email problem during the directadmin transfer, so I'm actually more inclined to think I'm over-using free resources, however a lot of people is writing "site down" on the forum...