Website frontend isn't loading

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I'm able to get into the administrator section of my website but my frontend isn't loading for some reason. It's been going on for at least a couple days. I don't have a clue as to why I can get into the backend but the site won't load. CPanel is working and everything and I checked for a malicious code injection which has happened before but it doesn't seem to be the case right now. The main site is on Joomla! and when the site did try to load after crawling slowly I was getting a 404 Component Not Found, and then just some plain looking page saying "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." I don't know if Chrome is generating that or if it's what's actually loading from the site. The backend seems to be going a bit slow too.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I just got an error trying to load Global Configuration. It changed to the default admin template (I'm using a different one).
Error Loading ModulesMySQL server has gone away SQL=SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, control, params FROM jos_modules AS m LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = WHERE m.published = 1 AND m.access <= 2 AND m.client_id = 1 ORDER BY position, ordering
... That returned to normal without error after a reload but the frontend just doesn't want to load for me.

Server: starka
User: tobbs
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I've gone over some things again and I'm still able to get into my Joomla! administrator panel but pings are coming back unsuccessful for my domain and subdomain. My DNS and cache is clean and everything so I don't know what else I can check.

Is there anybody who can help me? My site has been down since November 7th.
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