Account set up and site created last week, multiple flushes of DNS cache have not resolved the issue.
Navigating to front page gives me which seems, from other threads, to be a common issue; is there something you need to do to let my page be seen? (It is only a bit of a placeholder BTW.)
Also unable to reach phpBB page, on navigating to I get a 404 error; forum was main purpose for having this account so it's beginning to be quite an issue for me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
With thanks in advance.
Navigating to front page gives me which seems, from other threads, to be a common issue; is there something you need to do to let my page be seen? (It is only a bit of a placeholder BTW.)
Also unable to reach phpBB page, on navigating to I get a 404 error; forum was main purpose for having this account so it's beginning to be quite an issue for me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
With thanks in advance.