I am actually really happy with the services that this web host provides after I had left another web host service.
The only issue I am getting thus far, which is what my friend is orientated around, is for some reason, my website turns into the simplified mode after some time of using it. So, I'm editing it and then:
Are there any solutions for this issue?
It seems when clearing my cache, it resolves the issue temporarily.
Here is my website link: http://recruit.pcriot.com/
I'm considering an upgrade soon with a proper domain. I am really liking the services, it's just this one thing that I think would be really inconvenient for users on this website.
I am actually really happy with the services that this web host provides after I had left another web host service.
The only issue I am getting thus far, which is what my friend is orientated around, is for some reason, my website turns into the simplified mode after some time of using it. So, I'm editing it and then:
Are there any solutions for this issue?
It seems when clearing my cache, it resolves the issue temporarily.
Here is my website link: http://recruit.pcriot.com/
I'm considering an upgrade soon with a proper domain. I am really liking the services, it's just this one thing that I think would be really inconvenient for users on this website.