Well then Oxwall for some reason wants to be reinstalled

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Hello again,

You would likely eventually need a VPS if your site got very popular. I'm no expert on premium really, as I only usually deal with free. VPS would be significantly better performance, as you essentially have a virtual server to yourself. Of course, you have to pay for that privilege.
You'll find Oxwall comes in about the same as BoonEx etc, as they all do essentially the same thing.
Have no idea about facebook plugins I'm afraid. Someone will likely know. Post in the programming help forum.
I couldn't give any more details about premium, as I've never used it, and I don't deal with premium support so have no experience with helping with premium sites. After seeing lots of sites on free, you learn to recognise if they're pushing the resources a bit.
The comparison page is here: http://x10hosting.com/free-hosting-comparison that should give you some more information.
You've got Premium here: http://x10premium.com/
and VPS here: http://x10vps.com/


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Well right on I was thinking of getting the premium, but lets say that I get more and more members which I hope to. which would be cool. So here's an example of what might happen:

I get the premium hosting for 3yrs and in that time the site gains popularity and so on. I hit the user limit so to say and it starts getting janky could I upgrade to VPS at that point even though I'm on Premium, kinda like upgrading in between the 3yrs of premium.

I'm not too entirely worried about the facebook connect thing since it is right now more of a hassle with facebook being a bunch of lame O's with the way they deal.

I am definitely not into pushing the limits of x10's servers, that's why I would really like premium at least so that way it's not that much of a burden on x10's servers and the site will load up much quicker for users, which would be great. I tried to minimize the file sizes for everything possible. Down from 32mb (the servers default is 16mb lol) to .5-1mb for pics and files.

I really don't know the kind of strain a site/scripts/users can pull from a server. Is there anyway I can figure out how much my site is pulling from the "mother ship"?

A user as asking me if I had a icon to throw up so when people cam to my site they would see my icon by the tab (in tabbed browsing) as well as in the url bar. So I was wondering how would I go about doing that?

noob questions are noob questions. thx stpvoice
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Well I downloaded a theme with a sidebar for oxwall. The graphite + sidebar. Well anyways I was going to attempt to add it to the thing.

I will read that tut, I'm sure there is lots of good info.

I hope it goes well.


Community Support Rep
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Good luck. If you have any further issues, don't hesitate to open a new ticket.
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