I'm jumping in here since there is some misinformation being tossed around a bit. Please view our Privacy Policy located at
https://www.x10hosting.com/privacy , specifically the section related to children under the age of 13. Put simply, we do not offer our service to anyone knowingly under-age, nor do we intentionally maintain information about said users under age, to abide by the US COPPA regulations.
My understanding on this rule is that if a user under the age of 13 does make an account and we are made aware of it, said account is subject to immediate and permanent termination of service, which would result in the immediate erasure of any data stored on the hosting account, in order to protect that child's privacy. Given this, I do not recommend having them create an account with us, and would recommend identifying other hosting providers who either don't need to abide by COPPA (based outside of the US) or who follow COPPA regulations and allow users under 13.
Edit: Clarifying a bit; the reason it'd be up for termination if found is to ensure our compliance with COPPA; because we don't maintain any of the requisite paperwork or procedures to enable us to host users under 13, we wouldn't be able to continue service once made aware of the violation, and would need to cease doing so as soon as the account was discovered.