Personally I think that HTML is a waste of time. :confused_ I'd rather spend my time increasing my knowledge of PHP and MySQL for web developing. Or C# and VB for ASP Applications... But then again...
We all gotta start somewhere! :teeth_smi
*Edit: With PHP and MySQL, as well as VB and C# ASP Applications you can create systems that work together and store information (i.e. Forums or PHPNuke). These server much better as websites then your HTML based ones. Although I do see alot of HTML websites around, but more and more are becoming PHP oriented. I think it's either because HTML is easy or that there are a lot of "old skool" developers out there that are used to HTML. But it's ok, if your comfortable with something then why change eh?
Also if your really into designing websites, the newest trend is Flash, get yourself a copy of Macromedia Flash MX (let's not say where you'll get it
). And a good ol' book or go like me (cheap) and look for free tutorials on google for Action Scripting.
Although Flash may be hard to do at first, no site compares to animation? :whatchuta