Page1: My Take !
Frankly, I DO NOT CARE!
I believe in “Live and let live".
wolf99 Quote - What I understand about communism in this context is that its an idea to reduce inequalities by forcing the sharing of resources... actually a nice idea, but one that seems to not really work in practical real life.
Reply -That is Socialism not communism.
For example (somewhere around 1960s and earlier),
US - purely capitalistic nation(pre50)
India - purely socialist(pre90)
China - purely communist(Mao)(post50)
Russia – a mix of communist(Marx) and socialist ideologies.(pre80)
wolf99 Quote - I get that the US is proud to be capitalist (which doesn't solve all the problems either, but that's another discussion).
It used to be a capitalist country, now it is slowly moving towards a capitalistic country with socialism in it.
wolf99 Quote - What puzzles me is the seemingly unreasoning hatred of anything that could possibly at all even slightly be construed as anything like communism, and the effective use of the word "communism" as an insult in the present day??
Every country/person has the right (to justify itself) to spread a "propaganda" which suits them. As simple as that and it is not something new.
Back in 1980, rise of Japan from a great nation to a superpower was feared. (It never happened though.)
I don't think I need speak on cold-war (USSR).
Though, fear of Red Dragon is not surreal. (My personal opinion)
mastermetallica Quote -I definitely would have nothing to do with it but I don't think the government has the right to tell people what they can and cannot do, it makes them seem like communists.
Atleast Governments of Democratic countries never do that!
Quote by SEÑOR - I agree. I like to see 2 women together

But 2 men is just nasty. But there both wrong. And they should not be allowed to get married. Marriage is between man and women.
For me, female-homosexuals are erotic and male-homosexuals are funny nothing else.
I don’t care/mind whether a person marries another person of same sex or opposite sex.
mastermetallica Quote- This is pretty much how I feel. I am atheist, and I DO NOT have a problem with people being religious or believing in a higher being. What I DO have a problem with is when they start acting extremely superior and try to convert me to whatever they believe in. The religious people act like I've insulted them if they find out I'm atheist.
Nothing wrong in being an atheist. Pitty them who don’t understand/respect this.
Key to this mess probably is: being tolerant!
mastermetallica Quote - I don't go around trying to rid the world of Christians, or Judaism, or Hindus, or anything else, so I don't see why they try to rid the world of atheists. Maybe I'm the only one that experiences this, but I get it ALL the time.
Sad, but true! This trio – US-Israel-India is in fact has become the most hated group. Expect “this” hatred to increase further in coming future.
US: for being perceived as a modern crusader by groups and for its continued support to Israel (a proxy in this so-called modern crusade).Fighting others’ war especially in the deserts hasn’t helped either. For being superior and better than rest! (Jealous)
Israel: for being what it is rather for its existence. You don’t expect sweets and pleasantries when there is a perceived invasion and forced-occupation. (But, remember what you snatched from them too!)
India: This is perplexing. (Why France has around 11% of the group and India has around 13%, but the similarities /differences aren’t in the same proportion.)
But, there are many reasons. All of them - external.
A “country” has been trying to draw similarities by making the self-imagined issue look like the one in Israel.
After the last BJP/NDA (comparable to US Republicans in its policies), it “now” clearly supports Israel and has increased affinity for better relationships with US.
The overcoming of lack of self-belief (NAM,OIC,etc) and the official support for US and Israel since then, hasn’t helped either.
Amazing isn’t it? Three completely different religions coming together to defeat a religion.
What a great power of imagination! Claps!
Coming back to the sentence’s entirety, you can’t do much about it.
If it comforts you then take my word - You are not alone and you won’t be the last one to feel this way!
mastermetallica Quote - Like I said I don't have a problem with people believing what they want, but personally I am not satisfied that answer to everything is an invisible deity controlling everything. Sure there are a few things that haven't been explained by science, but that makes them unexplained, not the work of a magical person. And many things from the bible have been pretty much proven false. Like the hardcore Christians that don't believe dinosaurs existed because they think Earth is only 4000 years old? Seriously? It's not like we have carbon dating and can prove the fossils come from millions of years ago.
A few things??
Creation of “organic/living” cell from “inorganic/dead” material? Read/Perform Haldin’s Protobiont Theory and chemogeny(Chemical evolution).
Creation of planets/universe? Now everyone knows that- Big Bang(ha ha)!
It is not just Christianity! All most all the religions preach these sorts of things –may be to put a fear of “there is something/someone more powerful than a mere human”, who/which can do whatever it wants to do.
mastermetallica Quote - The bible also says that every animal/creature was created in it's perfect state, meaning it is already perfect for its environment. But natural selection not only makes more sense, but has never been proven false! I do believe evolution occurred, and for you uneducated Christians, I'm not talking about Pokemon evolution. Obviously an animal or creature does not change into something entirely different overnight. I think over the billions of years Earth has existed, the first basic bacteria and single cell organisms went through evolution (as in natural selection, Google it if you don't know it) and over time diversified into many different animals and creatures. I think it makes a lot more sense than someone created everything in the blink of an eye.
Plus, there have been massive amounts of evidence supporting the theory of evolution. But then Christians will see "the theory of..." and cling onto that like proof (a) God exists. Yes, it is a theory, but I have not seen one lick of factual evidence supporting a God. Most stories you see out of the bible you would think exists in a fictional book like Harry Potter, the majority of it is absurd.
Now, after this kind of language, you can’t expect a religiously-fanatic to reply in kind. Do you?
Nobody asks to be in acceptance mode but to be in tolerant mode.
mastermetallica Quote - Anywho like I said, I have no problem with people believing in a god and/or afterlife, it's just when they act like they are better than other people because they have lots of faith is when it annoys me. All the stuff I said is what I believe, but I don't go around trying to convince Christians to forget what they believe like they do to me and probably other atheists.
World have been far better place if everyone kept their faith personal not public.
wolf99 Quote - Whats REALLY odd about religous unrest is that nearly all religions (other than actaull devil worshipers etc) promote peacefullness as one of their main tenents and yet people manage to construe that quintisentially simple sentiment as "go out and kill people you dont like".
Also, looking to Israel as a prime example, some of the most influential steps in its history have been decided because of profit or advantage seeking, leaving Jews, a once greatly afflicted people, to now feel justified in forcing similar conflict on others...
theres more to be said but the crux of the matter is that religion is really only a fall back excuse, and that people want to exert there way of doing things over others (USA a prime example, saying that on a primarily american forum prob isnt gonna make me friends)
why they would wnat to do this other than financial gain is beyiond me....
The guy in libya muat be off his head to actually WANT to be head of government in a country that is falling to pieces, it'd be the worst job in the world if you ask me!
Israel and profit….???
As always, US becomes a soft and easy target for its promotion/support of liberation.
Go to that country and see from a local person’s point of view and I bet you will see a life long deprivation of even basic amenities.
After this, can you really expect not to seize power when given a chance, if you could end your deprivation?
BTW, totally unnecessary! Puts further burden on already weakening economy.
Quote by cyberneticsoldier -Also, I've seen on tv once that gay-ness in the animal world isn't that strange at all, nor was it in ancient Greece (I don't know if that's true or not, but if it's been on tv there is a chance it is true). I don't like it and a lot of others probably don't either, but if they love each other then let them be, who are you to deny someone else's happiness in life? Gay marriage? Fine with me, as long as I don't have to look at it I couldn't care less. There are bigger worries in the world then the love of something a lot of people can't understand.
Greeks did a lot of things – some of which everyone is better of without knowing it.
Hit the nail right on the head!
Rest In Peace Ya All!