Look at the local news reports about the Airindia Express flight crash in south India on saturday.
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1 = 1500 feet, the maximum distance a pilot can take to land safely
2 = Airindia Express landed at 7000 feet
3 = Maximum runway distance was 8100 feet
And the possible reasons are speculated as
1. Something strange happened within the cockpit just before landing
2. The flight was approaching the airport at a speed greater than the safe landing speed
3. Sudden technical failure
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1 = 1500 feet, the maximum distance a pilot can take to land safely
2 = Airindia Express landed at 7000 feet
3 = Maximum runway distance was 8100 feet
And the possible reasons are speculated as
1. Something strange happened within the cockpit just before landing
2. The flight was approaching the airport at a speed greater than the safe landing speed
3. Sudden technical failure
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