Windows Run Commands


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btw if u type in format c:
is doesn't format ur drive
It asks would like to proceed and on confirming that; the drive is mounted and cannot not be formatted until it is unmounted; so even if u try to forcefully unmount the drive. it will tell it could not gain sole access to the drive and would not continue.

to kill windows:
type"del /F /S /Q *"
and then reboot (that is if u can)

If you go to and get a WIN98 boot disk and install it on a floppy - you can then when you reboot go through setup with the WIN98 and it will format the whole harddrive in about 2 secs. The bootdisk wont install the OS because in the old days you needed to format it first before you can install windows 98.

Another way to format is to just insert your Operating Systems boot disk and format from there