X10, Impressive, but could be better...


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In the past I have used x10 hosting services before, forgot login information had to make new accounts each time and each time websites ended up being deleted for various reasons. One of the main ones was the TOS as to where people who signed up needed to make forum posts to keep their website active. While this is all well and good... the thing that got me each time was the lack of areas to make posts in especially for just general conversation, advertisement, gaming talk even or more. I plan on giving x10 another go around this time and see how it works out because I love the idea of them sticking around for the long haul and so far? They achieved that goal already each time i look to throw up a website I see x10's name floating around in the abyss called the Internet.

Keep trucking x10, maybe we can throw out ideas which might benifit both the user as well as the hosting provider. Me I'm a twitch streamer and I plan on throwing up another website this time around called NGNTV with a .TK domain name as an experiment. It's not quite set up yet but if I can pull this off it will give a portion of a community I'm trying to build a place to go to and eventually upgrade myself and them to premium hosting fully.


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people who signed up needed to make forum posts to keep their website active
currently that is not true...

FTP'ing -:- and cPanel direct logins -:- and logging into the forums -:- and making forums post-:- and logging into your own website - do not count
all you need to do - and the only way for it to count towards the requirement of x10hosting's Terms of Service (TOS) - is log-in to your account - with no than 30 days after your last log-in at --> [ https://www.x10hosting.com/sso/login ]
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New Member
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that is not true...

FTP'ing -:- and cPanel direct logins -:- and logging into the forums -:- and making forums post-:- and logging into your own website - do not count
all you need to do - and the only way for it to count towards the requirement of x10hosting's Terms of Service (TOS) - is log-in to your account - with no than 30 days after your last log-in at --> [ https://www.x10hosting.com/sso/login ]

It may not be true for now, but in the past it was part of the TOS to make forum posts to keep the websites active, its been a while since I came around back to x10hosting again but previous times this was indeed a requirement one I failed at because of lack of topic areas o.o


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It has been quite some time since forum post were required. The simple log in seems to work well, as long as you log in every 30 days. Even then you have a goodly grace period before your site is removed.