Username: Sullii
Real Name: Bryan
Age: 25
Location: Manchester, NH
Xbox Live: Sullii
Steam: Sullii85
XFire: Sullii
Games you play most: BattleField Bad Company 2 (PC), COD 4 MW (PC), TF2(PC), L4D2 (PC), UT3 (PC), Shadow Run (PC), Halo 2 (PC), GTA 4 (PC), Quake 4 and 3 (PC), Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC) and Far Cry (PC)
Xbox 360: COD MW 2, Gears of War 2, Fifa 10, Halo 3, Scene it BOS, MLB 2K10, Mini Golf Adventures 3d, Hasbro Family Game night, Uno and Worms.