but they are so very limited in the software area
Probably that the full drawer of disks you have of Windows softs contain many softs that do almost the same thing but that each soft has something a little bit different from others.
Anyway... what I mean is that on Mac, there ARE softwares. Very good ones, high quality for very low prices (many are free, opensource, or begwares since Mac OS is Unix based). In fact, the advantage is that you don't get lost in a list of trillion apps that do the same thing, not knowing which one to take (like on Windows).
If there is not a trillion apps on Mac, it's only because it's useless to have a trillions apps when there are already a few good softwares that do their job very very well (no need for other softwares then).
I am sticking to Windows, I have tried to use Mac OSX, but I can't really understand how to do the same things that I can do on my Windows XP machine. Plus, as you stated, many programs don't work on Mac, and emulators don't achieve as good results.
One major thing that I don't like about the Mac, is the lack of right-clicking.
I actually think that the hardware that comes with the Mac is nice, but I don't like the OS as much as Windows.
Don't try to use Mac OS the ****ed up way you need to use Windows XD
Mac OS is too simple for most Windows users.
Right clic? Use a normal mouse =|
Or do ctrl+clic if you have a one button mouse.
As for the hardware... you can actually instal Mac OS on a PC (OSx86)
In my opinion, both suck. This isn't because I'm a total open source fanatic, but because neither operating system is customisable enough for what I'd use it for. I like being able to fiddle with code I'm not supposed to. I like being able to change my desktop environment if I don't like the one I've got now. I hate being confined to fiddling in control panels and such.
Neither for me, I'll stick to Fedora / Ubuntu / openSUSE thanks =P
Customizable? Mac IS, as well for windows. Play with code you're not supposed to? This is called kext (kernel extensions) on Mac OS. If you like command line, on Mac OS, it's almost the same as Linux (I think that most of Linux commands have their ports on Mac.. if not, you can google and I'm sure that you'll find a port to install)
I dislike Macs because many times the hardware is not changeable or upgradeable. The only reason they are "more secure" is because less people write viruses for Mac OS. Why bother? There are few compared to Windows based OS. I don't understand about the whole "ready to go" out of the box thing. No one forces you to get Windows updates. And again, if more people wanted to find holes in the Mac OS, then there would be more Mac OS updates.
You sure don't know what a real hacker is huh?
Hackers are hacking for the challenge, to find holes for fun of finding holes and they often being paid to find holes.
Same thing for viruses.
Don't you think that this "Mac can't have virus" thing creates an appealing challenge for hackers?
"There are less people who write virus for Mac" <= There has not been any virus on Mac that had been able to completly crash a system. The only "virus" was a worm that was spread through iChat, and the user still had to accept the sending request LOL.
So, this reason, that there are no virus on Mac because no one is interested in making viruses for Mac is complete bu11sh1t. =|
It's because it's based on Unix
Mac OS sucks for file management and I hate not being able to do Command + X, Command + V in finder.
Pinguin lovers : Search for the iDEBOX project. Mac OS sitting on Linux drivers by the Uphuck team

very interesting!