Oh I have '403 Error' and a high resource usage one in here, nothing about any music. Let me know via PM if it happens again.
Why dont you just give all of the servers a format - warn all of the members and tell them to backup - and only give registrars via application forms - then if the webmasters were wanted to have hosting again then they can re-upload all of the files.
Well thats what i would do - it would make the servers rediculously stable!
They probably cleared the log when they last updated cPanel then.. cuz I do remember it happening, and thanks to :biggrin:
That actually sounds like a good idea... have everyone back up there stuff and when the servers back, re upload it to the servers
x10 actually reformatted every server except for Cirroc (the x10 Corporate server) I believe and moved all of our data from backups onto the clean servers back in December/Janurary.
maybe insted of apache try runing lightspeed? i hear light speed is great i donno tho i never used it or been hosted by any host the uses lightspeed