Let me give you a boring list! 10 reason why FF is better than IE.
1) Generally faster except when it is not. Sometime it throws a fit, but what program doesn't?
2) More compliant, displays web pages better, JavaScript engine better.
3) Extremely customizable, tons of addons and extended feature for free.
4) SKINS, how can you live without them. I use a cool NASA night launch skin

5) More secure. I am a freak about
security and people employed by the NSA don't even allow IE to be installed on their computers!
6) Open source. FF is so reliable because it is looked over by thousands of programmers every day and the FF community.
7) Better allocation of memory. Self explanatory.
8) Great crash control and recovery. Unless on SSL, you get the page that crashed back, unless the page caused the crash, then you don't want to view it again.
9) Extremely well designed program with much less pop ups than IE. Most alerts and the find feature is nicely placed inside the window just above the page in an obstructive way.
10) Smaller, easier and faster to install.
Short and simple, Firefox functions the way it's users want it to and Internet Explorer functions the way Microsoft wants it to. Internet explorer is extremely undeveloped because it creates no revenue for Micro$oft and is full of holes, glitches, ect. Really, the only thing IE is better for is being closely linked with Windows and that is horrible because it fails to work properly with everything else. IE is a bad attempt to make people Windows dependent, and it is working. Everyone who is using IE, don't fall for it!
Well maybe I didn't want to, OK?? I really don't have time to search every single time before I post something.
You should try it, people don't take these sort of important polls seriously because every other week, someone creates a new one.