Are you HOT Ot Not?

John Klyne

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Well here it is, the first crossfire post regarding the looks of the members who choose to post in this section.

The question is,

"Are you hot, or not?"

You can't just say, you are hot, or ugly, or pretty or fantastic.

You have to tell us, why you beleive you are, hot, ugly, pretty, or fantastic and playful. must also rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10.

1 being, ugly, and 10 being hot....

Have fun with this crossfire post please. No flaming, criticisms are okay, but keep the hateful or aggressive comments to yourself...or find a nicer way to say what you really feel....

Also, feel free to contradict a person on what they say... :biggrin:
Well....I'll start off as an example...

I believe I am a rank 9.5....not always on the way I look, but on what I do...

Well, I am tall, well built, great hair color...I'm even blond/gold on my arms : ) ...This of course, shows I am wealthy, hehe, I am a person with a nice smile, a person that can make everyone smile, even after some tragic has just happened. I am humorous, when I choose to be, and do make sure everyone in the same room as me is laughing or feeling "important" when they are around me. I show respect.

I do have enemies...."You have enemies, good, it means you finally stood up for something in your life" Eminem. Thus, I am not greatly built, but enough to scare the "bullies" and call the ladies. I am a sexual person, the first thing I DO NOT DO, when I meet someone is give them a handshake...I settle for a kiss from a girl of course...if they don't accept, (1 out of 5 girls will accept)...I tell them "No not on the lips, on the cheek"...(while I point to my cheek...)...(everyone that has not been interested in kissing me on the lips, has ALWAYS accepted to kiss me on the cheek). ( I only do this, "kiss me" routine, when I am interested....merely being seen, talking to someone 1 minute and then being kissed the 2nd minute after meeting them shows that I am definately not anything lower than a rank 9.5.

I know I am a rank 9.5 at least, when I walk into a bar, and I act like I own it...I talk to everyone, randomly to get used to it, then choose a "target" or chick, I am interested in, to really get intimate with....I know I am at least a 9.5 when, everyone else in the bar walks in alone, and walks out alone, or with girl, but me...I walk in alone, with such unusual apparel...(a hat, watch, walk out with at least 2 girls pulling on my shirt, or kissing my necklace...or wearing my shirt....

I know I am a 9.5 when, I walk to another bar with the same girls, and every other girl out there in the bar, is just staring, with their mouths watering....all the guys staring and thinking, "what a player"... I know I am at least a 9.5 when, I never leave a club/bar alone...but with a new friend or 2 or 3....when it is not me paying for the drink, but them...when it is not me paying for the hotel/motel, but them...when it is not me paying for ANYTHING instead, they pay...they know they'll get the ultimate reward...

I know I am a 9.5 or better when in everyplace I go, I am the center of attention, I am the one being looked up to.

....I know I am a 9.5 or better...because I dress better than a 8.0, but act like a Aphrodite the god of LOVE ! I know I am a 9.5 or better because, I believe I am a 9.5 or better...and act like a 9.5 or better...I have confidence and tactics of a 10. even Brad Pitt doesn't have that. Heck have you met the guy? He is afraid or has problems approaching a random 10.0 babe right off the street or club.

Believe you are a 9.5 or better...and you will become are not born ugly, you make yourself ugly. You are not born, hot, you make yourself hot! DID YOU KNOW, that a guys looks, are probably only 40% of getting a chick in bed? Did you know that is 60% of a combination of confidence/tactics...that you can improve to get laid tonight, or tomorrow night?

Don't sleep alone, you don't have to, you don't want to, I know you don't. Well,

THE MAIN REASON I KNOW I AM A 9.5 OR BETTER is because, I found my problem, worked on it...and beleived I am a 9.5 or me, Brad Pitt only has the 40% of the equation...the rest, I've met him, he doesn't have it....but then, again,I am not famous...So am I a 9.5 or better...or am I lower....??

Well anyone please write what you think you are, and say why you think you are that.... I am here for the developement of others. :biggrin:


Community Paragon
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Sounds like you're after a comment to the effect of 'so you think you're near perfect, eh?'

Well, I'm a 10. Perfection in every way.
Plus, you can't say you're a 9.5 because you quote Eminem... Having enemies doesn't mean you stood up for something. Having enemies means you're not good enough to be able to resolve something in such a way that the perosn holding the opposing view doesn't feel as though they've lost out. Take Conflict Resolution 101. ;)

Oh, and you misspelled 'or'.
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John Klyne

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Hah pretty true, I can't possibly be a 9.5...but then

I don't beleive anyone is perfect, there is always something that you can change to make it better...and then, perfection is held in the eyes of the viewer....or something like that :) anyone else want to say what they think they are?...


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I've always hated threads and websites like this. It's an excuse to be egotistical about yourself, in an attempt to sell yourself. Basically, you have to go around saying "Look at me, how awesome I am." And then you expose yourself to criticism from others who want to be better than you, or cut you down somehow, who comment about your flaws. Most egoists will ignore any comment about their flaws anyway, regardless of the truth value in them.

And then there's the types who are desperate for validation, who don't have a very good sense of self and body image, and are looking for outside confirmation. The internet being what it is, they almost always get flamed, which further adds to their low self esteem. Otherwise someone realizes the person is desperate and takes that as an opportunity to exploit. A person with a bad enough self esteem will love somebody who flatters them incessantly.

There really isn't a point. I've known plenty of really ugly people who manage to get laid, and plenty who have gotten married. This applies to both ugly on the outside and ugly within. You kinda need to be able to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. And if you don't like something about yourself, its up to you to change it.

My two cents :)


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I know I am a 9.5 or better when in everyplace I go, I am the center of attention, I am the one being looked up to.

he he.. i'm not looking up to you for sure..

But you are right with the things you said about self-improvement, it's fine to be honest to yourself, see you own flaws and to try to correct them instead of whining around and blaming other people for it just to make yourself feel better.


On Extended Leave
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This is so random... :lol:

I've never really analyzed my appearances enough to be able to confidently rate myself. Even if I did scrutinize myself more, there would still be many aspects of myself that others see but I don't, and those hidden aspects would change the rating that I would give myself.


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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Attractiveness is far too subjective to be placed on a scale. :p


not alex mac
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I can't say I think "Hmm, what am I from 0 - 10?" because that would just depress me. Probably something like 1.


John Klyne

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I can't say I think "Hmm, what am I from 0 - 10?" because that would just depress me. Probably something like 1.


A person who rates themselves a 1, is always better then the one who rates themselves a 10. It shows you stand up for yourself, speak your mind, and could care less what others think...having attributes like Ares, the god of war...

Alex, you just answered some psychological questions without you even knowing it.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Attractiveness is far too subjective to be placed on a scale. :p

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....but attractiveness is only as subjective as the person who says they can't rate it.
This is so random... :lol:

I've never really analyzed my appearances enough to be able to confidently rate myself. Even if I did scrutinize myself more, there would still be many aspects of myself that others see but I don't, and those hidden aspects would change the rating that I would give myself.

What a person rates themselves, would show how confident they are/self esteem level, rating yourself just shows what you think of yourself, how you look has nothing to do with the amount of ladies you sleep with every night. The rating that truly counts is that, which you received from walking up to a random person, smiling and asking, "What would you rate me on a scale from 1 to 10, attractively"...those ratings are the ones that are unbiased, and based extensively on how your smile looks...along with how confident you were to ask such a random question, and how much another person things you are rated on an overall scale.
Below I replied in bold...
I've always hated threads and websites like this. It's always best to express your feelings :) It's an excuse to be egotistical about yourself, in an attempt to sell yourself. Basically, you have to go around saying "Look at me, how awesome I am." And then you expose yourself to criticism from others who want to be better than you, or cut you down somehow, who comment about your flaws. Most egoists will ignore any comment about their flaws anyway, regardless of the truth value in them. Yea many of them will...and overall I have been told I have a big ego depending on my mood hehe that I do admit.

And then there's the types who are desperate for validation, some people have low images of themselves, and would always try to figure out what others thought of them...who don't have a very good sense of self and body image, and are looking for outside confirmation. The internet being what it is, they almost always get flamed, which further adds to their low self esteem. Otherwise someone realizes the person is desperate and takes that as an opportunity to exploit. So...if everything you said, really did mean something, are you not a person who chooses to exploit others?

Have you ever asked yourself what you gained from it? Then ask yourself, what if it was not John Klyne that started this post, how would I respond?

I bet you gained, the fact that you can feel superior to others, feel a position of power, where your criticisms may in fact matter...maybe you gain the fact that you are here replying to make yourself sound smarter, to make up for the lack in real life...maybe you gained ...well you can answer the question yourself.....

Now if it was not me, (John Klyne) responding, how would those other people take your criticisms? ....well...I bet it would make them feel like **** : ) isn't that reason you probably even bothered to put pain upon a person who you find vulnerable, because you want to let of your inflicted pain onto others.

A person with a bad enough self esteem will love somebody who flatters them incessantly. Not sure what incessantly means, but then (I think it means excessively? or something to that extent)...well have you ever found a person who loves being excessively flattered, who showed that they really thought they were better than everyone else out there? Have you never met a person who loved being flattered? Let me rephrase there ANY person out there in the world, who would not love to be flattered.

There really isn't a point. I've known plenty of really ugly people who manage to get laid, and plenty who have gotten married. This applies to both ugly on the outside and ugly within. You kinda need to be able to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. And if you don't like something about yourself, its up to you to change it.

My two cents :) I like your two cents, it made a hefty donation, to my assignment :)
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I Fix Things
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you all need jobs

edit: especially the person that wrote that first post
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I Break Things
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This thread made me lolirl :)

The first post looks like an ad for one of those DVDs how to pick up women. But to stay on topic, 1 out of 10? Definitely a 99. ;)


<b>Retired *****</b>
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geeks.. You're all geeks. HAH! myself? 1-10... 10. I have a thing for law enforcement. ;)


New Member
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lol A little paranoia maybe? I was generalizing dude. I was stating why I didn't like "hot or not" as a topic, because I see it as pointless, overall, with too much leeway for the behaviors as I described. Chill man, I'll make some tea for us, mmk?

So...if everything you said, really did mean something, are you not a person who chooses to exploit others?
I'm not sure I understand where that came from? Who am I exploiting? For what purpose?

Have you ever asked yourself what you gained from it? Then ask yourself, what if it was not John Klyne that started this post, how would I respond?

I bet you gained, the fact that you can feel superior to others, feel a position of power, where your criticisms may in fact matter...maybe you gain the fact that you are here replying to make yourself sound smarter, to make up for the lack in real life...maybe you gained ...well you can answer the question yourself.....

Now if it was not me, (John Klyne) responding, how would those other people take your criticisms? ....well...I bet it would make them feel like **** : ) isn't that reason you probably even bothered to put pain upon a person who you find vulnerable, because you want to let of your inflicted pain onto others.
Well, for the first point, I didn't really gain a lot, really, except an opportunity to express my opinion. For the second point, I'm really not sure I follow. I would have responded the same, regardless of who started the post. I tend to express my opinions, and if some part of a discussion sparks a tangent that I feel like following, I typically follow it. For example, if the topic was "are you an apple or an orange?" I might say "Oranges have citrus, and I like citrusy fruits in general. Especially those lime margeritas. Yummy." Yeah, not really relevant to the topic, but I find it entertaining. Typically someone will respond with "OMG I LOVE MARGERITAS TOOO! I'm switching to orange now." And then I LOL and then the topic is totally hijacked but everyone has fun anyway. That's how I roll. Sorry if it offends you. Kinda reading a lot into it eh?
Not sure what incessantly means, but then (I think it means excessively? or something to that extent)...well have you ever found a person who loves being excessively flattered, who showed that they really thought they were better than everyone else out there? Have you never met a person who loved being flattered? Let me rephrase there ANY person out there in the world, who would not love to be flattered.
It kinda means non-stop. I've actually known people who love flattery, who eat it up like candy. As for knowing people who don't like flattery, yeah, I know a few, myself included. I suppose what I mean is flattery that is insincere. If I say that I like your shoes to make you feel better, when really I think they're horrid, I'm not being sincere. If a guy tells a girl that he likes her dress, when really he doesn't care, and thinks it might get him laid in the future, then that is not sincere.

I suppose to summate, I'm confused by you lashing out at me for perceived offense. I never intented to offend you, sorry if I did. I usually use a forum to express my views, opinions, and observations, and I typically enjoy seeing others opinions. It's a sharing thing, ya know?

John Klyne

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you all need jobs

edit: especially the person that wrote that first post

Hehe, haven't had a job in years, I've been told I should find better ways to spend my time but hey I like what I do. :)
This thread made me lolirl :)

The first post looks like an ad for one of those DVDs how to pick up women. But to stay on topic, 1 out of 10? Definitely a 99. ;)

You are not the only one laughing hehe :) An ad for those pick up dvd's...I used to work as an advertiser for a friend back in highschool, he did in fact sell "how to get laid books." About your looks, I would have thought people would rate themselves a 10, and take nothing I said seriously, so a 99 is good, glad to hear it.
geeks.. You're all geeks. HAH! myself? 1-10... 10. I have a thing for law enforcement. ;)

There is not a guy who would not like to appear "smart" in front of a chick with a nice tan shape.
I replied in bold : )

lol A little paranoia maybe? Your not the first to say that to me, but I have my reasons...

I'll make some tea for us, mmk?
I'll have 2 spoons of sugar with that...seems like this post is eating away at my blood sugar.

I suppose to summate, I'm confused by you lashing out at me for perceived offense. I never intented to offend you, sorry if I did. You didn't...I usually use a forum to express my views, opinions, and observations, and I typically enjoy seeing others opinions. It's a sharing thing, ya know?

I also replied in non-bold, out of the quote...

Fractuallife, nothing I have said in this thread has anything to do with how I really feel about anything you I previous post (I think) I even hinted that this is for an experiment/test I am trying to finish up.

I tested this random question "are you hot or not" on 100 people so far.... 100 males and 100 females. Each around the age of 18-25, 50 males who had dates, 25 who were under weight and 25 who were over weight....I did the same for females.

I did not ask the females the question, instead I have a partner (female) that took answers from females. I am trying to figure out what the confidence levels/self esteem levels are people in a specific community, so that I can share/give some insight to students.

I know you would not like the next sentence but... Your reply and as well as the reply of everyone else on this thread was copied, (without your user-names of course) analyzed and discussed with a group of people.

If I have in any way offended anyone, it was just in order to get more replies from you...(in this thread, it was you fractuallife) that I was pushing to get replies from.

Sorry for this buddy.
I did not see anything related to what I did being restricted on the TOS, so I thought no harm, ...maybe the next thread I use to analyze with some students will have a note saying it will be analyzed.

EVERYONE thankyou for all your replies and criticism. It was greatly appreciated.

Formerly Posted By: John Klyne

Edit: I like how I got the attention of some administrators of people with rank in x10 staff to post here. It just shows how my irregular online background and "thread name choosing" or whatever can really cause attention positive or negative.
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New Member
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I'll take part in your experiment then, if you think it would interest you.

I am 18, dating, and hispanic. (If that helps with your studies).

I would rate myself a 7.3.

Why a 7.3? 7 is average, 8 is above. The .3 can be determined by a 1/3, or I am 1/3 of 10% about average. Which sums it just about right.

Why you ask? Well, I guess I am not that bad looking. I hate the fact that my hair just doesn't behave, I can never get the hair style I want. I have pimples on my forehead due to the fact that I have long hair, but if I cut my hair short, the pimples go away but I look like an idiot with short hair. By having long hair though, it curls up on the bottom and I look like a bird taking flight, so its sometimes hard to pick between short or long hair.

My nose his huge, I guess I got it from my dad. I'm told it matches my face, but that makes me feel bad. My big nose matches my face? Does this mean I have a big face, or are people tiptoeing around me, sugarcoating what they say?

I'm a bit on the short side, 5'7", or around, I've got abs (only when I flex, and a bit of muscles, but sometimes I feel fat when I go on an eating binge and eat a whole pumpkin pie, and I feel depressed. I tend to have mood swings, so that also dumbs down the number, oh and I get really attached to people. I guess the reason why its high is because I am very nice, honest, and I guess, I'd do anything for my girlfriend, and I believe that's more important than looks or anything else.

Oh and I'm poor. Point subtracted. :(

Other than that, I guess even though I would rate myself that, its because I am more critical of myself, than other people are, and I know and accept that. Plus, I am proud of who I am and how I look, and even though I feel as if I am a 7.3, I believe it doesn't matter since I am a 10.0 to those who matter to me in my life. :)


You're a very funny fella aren't you? You say you can walk into a bar and get to chicks and even have then pay for you, but how do you know? Have you done that? Well, there's two answer to that. Either, yes, you have, which means you admit you cheated on your girlfriend/wife, or no, you were just making things up to rile us up. You're probably wondering what I mean by this...

I did well in school, met someone Junior year in High School, been with her ever since.

It says there you have been with the same girl since Junior year of high school, that means you were at an age that you wouldn't be able to go to a bar, much less rent a room in a hotel.... Maybe I am not seeing something, or reading into it too much, but I don't think you know those things do you...? You really don't know you are a 9.5 because girls are wearing your shirt. Unless this 'girl' is actually your significant other.
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Community Paragon
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in I previous post (I think) I even hinted that this is for an experiment/test I am trying to finish up.
I hope I'm not going to regret saying this in the near future, but... I thought as much. Two options, (a) you're incredibly vain, (b) it was an experiment. The phrasing of my second post was supposed to imply the latter, although in retrospect, it doesn't. And for that, I apologise.
Misleading any statistics you are gathering for whatever research/other purposes was not my intention -- I've done enough research gathering to know that trying to explain certain anomolies is not fun, and how tempting it is to trash all the statistics and make it all up.

Unless you're being smart and taking that in to account. I would never participate in any 'rate your looks' thing because I don't approve. I disapprove of trying to get people to rate themselves because of the number of additional factors that are involved, and I disapprove due to the possible backlash, especially if people submit photographs for 'community review'.


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LOL. I know this is a few weeks old, but I just got around to seeing it and it's funny. Self analisys really is an interesting subject. I guess if I were forced to rate myself I'd have to say I'm a 4, with 8 potential. I tend to forget to comb my hair, trim my nails, etc.... But when I clean up, i look d*** good. So really I think my score varies depending on my mood and what day of the week it is. lol