Recent content by cjptomas80

  1. cjptomas80

    Possible to update the database version to MariaDB 10.6+?

    Thanks this thread can be marked as resolved/closed. at least the database is a 10.6+ version.
  2. cjptomas80

    Possible to update the database version to MariaDB 10.6+?

    Try to login for the verification of the mariadb upgrade but giving a error on directadmin panel. I did not know MariaDB version would be a big impact on DirectAdmin License. MariaDB did upgrade to 10.11.10 when I check on my Drupal Website report status.
  3. cjptomas80

    Possible to update the database version to MariaDB 10.6+?

    BUMP tread Cannot install this Drupal 11 due to the database version being outdated. ']
  4. cjptomas80

    Possible to update the database version to MariaDB 10.6+?

    Happy New Year! I am humbly requesting a MariaDB version of at least 10.6? For compatibility with Drupal 11 and some users that might need it in the future. It is not urgent since this is a server-wide configuration and we are in the free hosting environment waiting for the system admin for...
  5. cjptomas80

    Resolved When Php version 8.3 available?

    how to add the flare "resolved"?
  6. cjptomas80

    Resolved When Php version 8.3 available?

    The highest selectable in my account is PHP version 8.2.
  7. cjptomas80

    remove all dns records

    check your domain registrar nameserver setting and nameserver use is not https://x10hosting but instead from {which handle the dns settings) so the problem is outside of x10hosting service. check here whois edit: sorry nameserver...
  8. cjptomas80

    Could'nt Enable the mysqli extension, wordpress is'nt working

    Try this solution by mrburnsx enable nd_pdo_mysql instead of pdo_mysql.
  9. cjptomas80

    Resolved PHP 8.2 Extension "gd" seems enable but not detected.

    can some mark my thread RESOLVED? Thanks.
  10. cjptomas80

    Resolved PHP 8.2 Extension "gd" seems enable but not detected.

    I follow your enable extensio and it works Thanks a lot. @Eric S Thanks again for the php extension "gd" problem.
  11. cjptomas80

    Resolved PHP 8.2 Extension "gd" seems enable but not detected.

    PHP extension 'gd' confirm wokring on php v8.2 is working thanks. But should I make another thread or just post it here pdo_mysql extension seems enabled on dashboard but it is not pdo_sqlite extesion is working but but if prefer mysql. pdo_pgsql extension is workign but we don't have a...
  12. cjptomas80

    GD PHP Extension is required php 8.1

    @Eric S is aware about 'gd' extension seem enabled on the panel but it is not on PHP version 8.1 and 8.2 I got the same problem too.
  13. cjptomas80

    Domain Transfer

    You don't need to transfer domain just change your nameserver on namecheap first to then add domain here or more detail on this post
  14. cjptomas80


    I got same problem, it seem @Eric S already aware.