Recent content by haggis73

  1. haggis73

    Unable to login

    I appear to be in same boat, might require @STAFF doing similar check.
  2. haggis73

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally --> Note numerous threads due to upgrade.

    Username: sarsc Your Domain: I most likely fall under the not using the community site that often, as I just used it for a static HTML site and testing changes for the premium site. When trying to logon to the new panel I get - Sign in Successful Please standby while transfer...
  3. haggis73

    Can you create views in mysql?

    legend point 1 worked.. I was using the user set up for the database over the cpanel one.
  4. haggis73

    Can you create views in mysql?

    I will give those 2 suggestions a try. Cheers/
  5. haggis73

    Can you create views in mysql?

    Hello all, I am importing a SQL backup in phpmyadmin and getting following issue /*!50001 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED */ /*!50013 DEFINER=`sarsc_sessionweb`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER */ /*!50001 VIEW `sessioninfo` AS select `m`.`sessionid` AS `sessionid`,`m`.`versionid` A #1227 - Access...
  6. haggis73

    Ok, so I'm trying to decided wether to use or php

    Hi, Answering the questions posed (I counted three!) - 1. Does this mean only computers loaded with the microsoft opperating system can view files on the web? Similar to Twinke - Nope. Web server will either be a Microsoft OS (or Linux Apache running Mono). The server serves up...
  7. haggis73

    Double everything offer?

    Does it double or quadruple your account? :nuts:
  8. haggis73

    Double everything offer?

    I thought as much. I now have few options 1) raid the piggy bank. 2) become a forum junky !
  9. haggis73

    Double everything offer?

    If you select the double everything offer. Do you still require to logon to the forums? Thanks