G G galaxyAbstractor Sep 19, 2008 no, i'm slow and tired. It's 22:10 here and I had my first math test/exam in high school today
Smith6612 Sep 12, 2008 I'm doing good. Just at a friend's tonight, watching him GMod while lagging his net up.
Brandon Sep 9, 2008 8.86 posts per day, i have more than you so i think not=p for regular members maybe
Brandon Sep 9, 2008 Fast response lol yehhh maybe you'll even come on while it's active, mr. 'x10 Spammer'
Smith6612 Sep 6, 2008 I know I was making monies today fixing computers away from home, so I was too busy to come online . But hey, I need to make money to keep my gaming computer up to date, pay my internet and power the computers
I know I was making monies today fixing computers away from home, so I was too busy to come online . But hey, I need to make money to keep my gaming computer up to date, pay my internet and power the computers