Recent content by SniperFox

  1. SniperFox

    x13 Currently Down?

    Hey folks. Been trying to get into my control panel for and can't. The site was working fine earlier yesterday, and suddenly stopped. I can't get into DirectAdmin, the actual website or FTP at all. Trying to go to, which usually just says "Apache...
  2. SniperFox

    Resolved PHP Issue: "LVE Manager is not available. Please, contact your hoster."

    So, I just noticed this recently. I'm on x13 I believe (Site is I went to adjust my max upload size as the 2MB default is a *little* too low for some of the images I need to use. That section was working fine a few days ago, but now, for some reason, I can't get...
  3. SniperFox

    Resolved Site Down/Timing Out; CPanel Up - All Files Present

    Thanks for the help! The site seems to be back in working order. I'll give it a few days for ads.txt, as it can take a while on Google's side to detect it. Other than that, everything seems to be running smoothly now.
  4. SniperFox

    Resolved Site Down/Timing Out; CPanel Up - All Files Present

    So, I've been using x10hosting for a long time now. Haven't had much of a problem other than a few times where servers went down for everyone due to migrations/upgrades/etc. Usually, that was resolved in a few days. However - for the last few days now - my site ( )...
  5. SniperFox

    [VOX] Error Establishing a Database Connection

    That did it. Guess something got screwy in the .htaccess that made it not work right. Thanks again :D.
  6. SniperFox

    [VOX] Error Establishing a Database Connection

    Yay :D Thanks for the help. Hmm...the content came back, but for some reason, the pages seem to 404 on me ( Same as what it was doing last time ) The main page works fine - I can view the works, for example, on the main page since they load through Ajax - but if I try to, say, middle-click and...
  7. SniperFox

    [VOX] Error Establishing a Database Connection

    Saw the Status update that the work on MySQL was done, so went to check my site - looks like it's showing the default "New Blog" content. Anything special I need to do to get the old stuff back? Or is that something you can do on your end again?
  8. SniperFox

    [VOX] Error Establishing a Database Connection Were all giving a 404 last night ( And it wasn't my 404 page, but a default LiteSpeed page, it seems. ) Others as well, but I can't get to them as I'm getting a database error again. On...
  9. SniperFox

    [VOX] Error Establishing a Database Connection

    Nope, not anymore. Everything seems to be back now. Thanks so much :D. However, I do seem to be getting a 404 error on all of my pages, other than Portfolio.
  10. SniperFox

    [VOX] Error Establishing a Database Connection

    I'm thinking I may have messed up. The database itself is still there - however, I forgot the password to the original user ( Or, at least, it was telling me the password was wrong, even though I never actually changed it. ) I run Wordpress, btw. The wp-config file is there, and the correct...
  11. SniperFox

    [VOX] Error Establishing a Database Connection

    Site: After the migration, this started to occur. I went into cPanel and everything looks OK there, no files missing or anything, so I'm not sure what's causing the error.
  12. SniperFox

    Unsuspension Request

    I'm trying to unsuspend my account (, but when I get to the portal to do so, the link doesn't work. I click on "Click Here To Resolve" and when the overlay pops up, I try to click "Unsuspend Account", but nothing happens. It doesn't act like a button/link, nothing...
  13. SniperFox

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    But here's the issue - the problem actually seems to lie with LiteSpeed [The actual server host] - so, using your example, it would be like getting upset with the barber because his scissors broke halfway through the haircut, unexpectedly. It's not really his fault. It just kind of happened...
  14. SniperFox

    CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

    Can't say I'm liking the attitude of some people. I can understand being upset about no response at the moment - especially those who are paying customers - but those who are on the free service, saying they suck when they are offering you a FREE service is just beyond ridiculous. Do you not...