Search results

  1. Interscopia

    x10Hosting Community Game Servers

    There are too many variables to take into account to give you a definitive guide. You need to think about the type of RPG you wish to make, how you want to make it, your budget on the project etc etc... Then plan from there.
  2. Interscopia

    Your Deskotop!

    Nice images there! :)
  3. Interscopia

    Dominios .com .net etc a $1.20

    Un gran servicio. Gracias!
  4. Interscopia

    AsylumServe Communications

    It says i'm IP Banned.
  5. Interscopia

    new innovative site

    The site is fragmented, I suggest a feather duster and a good tidying up. :)
  6. Interscopia

    My GAMING website

    krunal, you deserved the ban, you breached x10's TOS. The TOS are there to make sure content on x10's servers stays clean and doesn't cause any trouble or infringe any copyright. When you signed up for a hosting account, you agreed that if you breached those TOS (Which you admitted), that...
  7. Interscopia

    Your Deskotop!

    Loving the wallpaper, Brandon. :tongue:
  8. Interscopia

    What Features do You Look for in an IDE?

    I only code websites, so PhpDesigner is my choice. It's the best PHP IDE I know of out there...
  9. Interscopia


    Hello iainhenderson4090 and welcome to x10Hosting! :) You may direct all hosting/site questions here.
  10. Interscopia

    Please stop advertising FREE PERL/CGI if you do not offer it!

    Lol it does actually say that... That should be changed, it's mis-leading...
  11. Interscopia

    Windows or Linux?

    Darkmere I totally agree on the linux vunrabilities. Infact in some cases linux can be even more susceptible to hacking. Depending on the virus or hacker. I'm a windows man through & through though. I like linux, but it's still way off being universally compatible.
  12. Interscopia

    Please stop advertising FREE PERL/CGI if you do not offer it!

    Prime Membership is the one that changes your forum membership status. Illuminated has everything that the Prime package has to offer (Minus the forum title), plus your hosting is moved to a faster server with a fraction of the users. Making it much faster.
  13. Interscopia

    Hellow Everyone

    Hello and welcome to x10Hosting! :)
  14. Interscopia


    Hello and welcome to x10hosting! :)
  15. Interscopia

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to x10Hosting! :)
  16. Interscopia

    Hello, and thank you!

    Welcome to x10! :)
  17. Interscopia

    Please stop advertising FREE PERL/CGI if you do not offer it!

    Hello, Both perl and CGI are disabled on free hosting. You'd need Illuminated at least to use that. For details, please click here. Thank you :)
  18. Interscopia

    Please review my site!

    Good layout, a little offset but good overall.
  19. Interscopia

    Hello Hello Hello!

    Hello and welcome to x10! :)
  20. Interscopia

    Hey Everyone !

    Welcome to x10! Glad you like it here. :)