Search results

  1. moose

    New Signature

    My newest work to date [1/13] I'm guessing that most people are thinking this sig is small. Well yes, but it's to help out 56K users [if any] Plus it doesn't take up space = friendly to the eye I'm considering redoing the whole thing Any comments are more than welcomed
  2. moose

    Cellphone web browser spoofer?

    Ok, so you might be thinking, what is moose thinking. Well, I don't blame you. I'll just make this quick. If anybody knows, or can help me find a cellphone web browser spoofer, thad be greaat. There's this website that you can only access on cellphones. Yeah, I know it sounds weird but trust...
  3. moose

    Crossfire Feedback

    I've been seeing a lot of posts in the Crossfire forum that are nothing but quick spam posts. I really haven't seen any moderators working on solving the problem. I guess nobody really cares if the last post was just "I totally agree." but just thought to point it out since it was in the rules...
  4. moose

    [Photoshop] Fill / Patterns

    Requested by: Civilr Does it seem your forum signatures are missing just a little something? Well, here is an easy way to add to your signature. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, we will be making the actual fill/pattern. Kind of like a...
  5. moose

    Signature Gifts?

    Hey, well I'm sure eveyone has seen those "Gift Signatures" people give eachother at forums. I though that this may be something cool to add here. What do you think of this? I think we can have a closer community by doing this, if all goes well. Post what you think :)
  6. moose

    Is space real? + A little A.51

    I posted about this in another Crossfire topic, but wanted this to be a enw Topic to keep the other from getting offtopic. So to the topic. Is Space Really Real?? I have no proof to say it's fake, I doubt just about nobody does. So why is this topic so fun to talk about? Well, think about...
  7. moose

    Mortal Kombad Theme Vid - Funny!!

    By the people at Mortal Kombat Theme Song LMFAO
  8. moose

    F.E.A.R. Game Questions

    First of all, I just watched the e3 trailer for F.E.A.R. and that scared the poop out of me atleast 3 times. I heard the game is great for making playable maps. Now is that true? I mod Halo CE but I heard from another Halo CE map maker that F.E.A.R.'s map making tools are really easy to use and...
  9. moose

    911 Documentary

    Just a little share with all the people here. This is a documentary video over the tragic incident of 9/11. 71mb/91mb/100mb versions. Download's on the left side.
  10. moose

    Winter -moose

    Hmm. Don't ask. Just heard Vivaldi's "Four Seasons - Winter" yeah, I listen to classical music also, but just wanted to see what it would come out as if I wanted to picture winter. I guess this is it. Comments would be appreciated as always.
  11. moose

    Halo Side Scrolling Game

    This file has an installer. The controls are somewhat weird, but this game is great. Also, the game is in Spanish. DOWNLOAD
  12. moose

    What are the ads supposed to look like??

    Well, I've been working my butt off to see how to add the ads needed to my blog, and right now, I pasted the <?php include("") ?> code to the end of my footer.php for my blog. And I see nothing down at the bottom in Firefox...
  13. moose

    Advanced Plan - Blog Ad Link Problem.

    There's a Links portion for my blog I have and I would like all my links there, but I am not able to put in codes for links.. Here is what it looks like when adding new links. So, would it be ok to just add a simple link back?
  14. moose

    Blog problem

    Any mod or admin who is able to help me here, please PM me. I got a successful installation on a install.php file for a blog script (not saying since it would be greatfully easy to hack in if I posted that) so yeah, it installed but I got this when trying to go to the admin.php (And YES I...
  15. moose

    Footer Sig

    Well I was kinda in a chill mood yesterday and Just wanted something simple. If I make a new sig, I'm thinking it'll be a flash one :naughty::drool:
  16. moose

    An Angel In The City - Signature to rate

    Please post your views on my sig. Thanks in advance :)
  17. moose

    Login integration tutorial?

    Hey, Well, I remember seeing a real well written tutorial on integrating a php board login into your HTML pages. I've spent the last 15 minutes finding it but didn't have any luck. If it was deleted, could anyone give me a link to some other place that would have the same concept tutorial? Or...
  18. moose

    vBulliten Installation problems..

    Soo.. I uploaded all the files that I got. I uploaded it to and I opened the link .. and all I get is.. What am I doing wrong? Please help. Thanks in advance :pinch:
  19. moose

    Server down?

    I'm guessing that this is just a little problem that'll fix itself in a couple minutes.. but I just was transfering some files from my host to my computer, than it booted me off.. Tried to get back on but it didn't let me. I checked my CPanel link but that didn't work either. None of the site...
  20. moose

    New Multi-Piece Sig

    I think that I might have to work on it a little more, but here's what I got since I got home from school. Please give me comments and rate it :happy: