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  1. P

    Checkboxes and AJAX

    yea sure here is the code to get all of the stuff function updateinfo() { var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new...
  2. P

    Hello x10 community

    Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay at X10!
  3. P

    Checkboxes and AJAX

    Ok so ive been trying to make a part of my site where you can edit your preferences, and i need to have 2 different checkboxes, and im making it all update with ajax, but the thing is whenever is submits it sends the value of it even if it is not selected, i dont have much experience with...
  4. P

    Make this type of 404 page

    ok, to get your url to go from to you can insert this line of code into the .htaccess page(i use it so i know it works) You need this part to so anything with mod_rewrite Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on and this is the part that does the...
  5. P

    Most Beautiful blog

    yea, i think if anyone uses templates they should change them up a little but, as you will find one somewhere else if you dont, the content on your site is good, you just need to get more, keep up the good work!
  6. P

    Review My site:

    ok i like your whole site, but you need to make sure you monitor users pictures that are uploaded, or move to a different host, because x10 does not allow pornographic content, other than that it is all good. Make sure to check out the reason above, it can get you suspended, or banned.
  7. P

    New Website

    yes it is easier on the eyes, but i think the best color schemes are where you have a background, then for the main content you have it all in one white one, and then the other contents separated into different areas with different colors, but its better
  8. P

    Hello from Poland!

    welcome to x10 enjoy your stay!
  9. P

    Additional Changes

    wow i dont understand how you do it every day here at x10, but great job and keep it up! anyways i dont need it because im usually on every day :)
  10. P

    Getting '0' results from MySQL COUNT()

    i would just stick to the solution that you are using for now, because if what im thinking is right it would take a lot more coding, and it would just be easier to use what your using now.
  11. P

    review my site's new design and concept

    i like your whole site, but i think you should run it through a spell check, or just re read everything, as there is a few spelling errors. its nice and keep up the good work!
  12. P

    New Website

    its simple, like zenax said i dont like the drop down menu, and the background, it just doesnt fit. Also why do you put the weather on the website, you can just go to a different website quick and there it is, there really is no point.
  13. P

    Please review my site

    yes i agree with everything moiety, you have a lot of changes to make
  14. P

    Social: FaceBook VS MySpace VS LiveJournal VS Others

    i think google wave will see people come from facebook, but i think it will take over a year for everyone to notice it and transfer over, not many people will want to do that, uploading pictures, and all that stuff just for a few extra features. but i think google wave will get some people.
  15. P

    Upcoming Changes

    thanks corey, thanks for everything here!
  16. P

    Review my blog

    i like the content on there, but the template you use ive seen it before, i dont like it, but i dont hate it. Also the ads at the bottom of the content on the homepage annoy me. i can see then at the top and the bottom, but not at the end of every entry. I dont have anything against it, but i...
  17. P

    My Computer Security Site

    ok i just have to be strait forward with this, i dont like your site. I dont like the spider webs, also the scroll bar at the bottom of the page should be a different color than the background, because at first i did not notice it. There really is no styled content, its just thrown in there so...
  18. P

    My Social Publishing Site

    i like how the layouts clean, not much to really say about it, as there is not much content, so good luck and keep it up!
  19. P

    My Graphic Design Site

    i like the template, it fits a graphics site very well. I think that you should remove "Index page" in the title bar, it doesnt look very professional. Good job and keep up the good work!
  20. P

    Review My Blog Site

    Yes this is the perfect example of minimalistic design for a blog, i hate all of the slow graphically enhanced blogs, when blogs shouldnt be slow loading. I cant see anything that you can improve on, great job!