Search results

  1. calistoy

    Login to CPanel

    What url are you using to access your cPanel? Are you able to reach the login page at all? What error shows up when you try to login?
  2. calistoy

    My website isnt working

    Please clear your browser's cache. Your account is not currently suspended.
  3. calistoy

    Getting messege "Domain Not Used"

    Clear your browser's cache. When I visit your site, I see the default index.html page that comes with all new hosting accounts.
  4. calistoy

    How to recreate cg-bin

    The cgi-bin is disabled on all free hosting accounts anyway, so you don't need to recreate it. Something else is causing whatever problems you are having. Could you give more details about the problem? I only see a white page when I go to your site, so be sure that your site has an index.html...
  5. calistoy

    Page doesn't exist

    This thread will close itself after about a couple of days of no one responding to it.
  6. calistoy

    wordpress plug-in installation hangs on Unpacking Package...

    Could you explain a little more about why it has to be automatic? Manual installation should work just fine and faster since automatic installation isn't working for you.
  7. calistoy

    Page doesn't exist

    Yes. You can change it in your hosting details in your account panel.
  8. calistoy

    Account Deletion Request

    You do not have a hosting account associated with your forum account. It's not possible to delete your account panel and forum account. If you want to re-register with your email and forum name, it will still be here for you to create a new hosting account with should you choose to do so.
  9. calistoy

    Page doesn't exist

    I do get pages with a little text each with both. Please rename home.html to index.html, and then when you go to your site's main domain, the index page will immediately be accessed.
  10. calistoy

    wordpress plug-in installation hangs on Unpacking Package...

    Try manually uploading and installing the plugins instead.
  11. calistoy

    Account Suspended

    Phishing is illegal and there is zero tolerance for it here at x10hosting, meaning no second chances. Your account is permanently suspended.
  12. calistoy

    trouble ccessin site

    It's an error with your site. Have you tried upgrading whatever script is running your site?
  13. calistoy

    Page doesn't exist

    I managed to get a blank page instead of a 404 error with index.php, not .html. Could you recheck or reupload your index.php overwritting the current one?
  14. calistoy

    Active account forum

    You just did. You just answered your own post. You won't be able to answer others posts in the free hosting support forum. What other posts are you trying to answer?
  15. calistoy

    Page doesn't exist

    The old index isn't there anymore. Did you make sure that your index.html is in all lower case letters for the file name and extension.
  16. calistoy

    Page doesn't exist

    Please clear your browser's cache. I can your default index.html with a few changes to it.
  17. calistoy

    no action reply about my request

    Your username for your cPanel is not your email address. Login to your account panel and click to view hosting details. Your cPanel username is listed there.
  18. calistoy

    my hosting account has gone

    No results come up with that username. When an account is terminated, it's permanently deleted. There is nothing there to retrieve. It's all gone.
  19. calistoy

    my hosting account has gone

    What was your cPanel username?
  20. calistoy

    Problem with uploading my site into Public_html

    You are now permanently suspended for phishing.